The WOD's

WOD: Thursday

Warm up:
Run/Row/Skip or Bike 2 minutes
3-5 cycles of Bow & Bend>Cobra Stretch>Downward dog
3 x 10 second Glute bridge>Seated Toe taps

3 rounds of:
5 x Squats
5 x Sit-up & Reach
3-5 x Push-up

Part A.
Tempo Squats
7 x 3-5 repetitions (3 second lower>3 second pause>3 second rise)

*Goal is to move with perfect form.
*Add enough weight to give feedback, still allowing for good form.
* Use barbell, kettlebell, dumbbell or body weight.

Part B.
For time: Males 30-24-18-12-6 Push-ups
Females 20-16-12-8-4 Push-ups
*Sets must be unbroken to count for RXD.

*8 minute cut-off

Scale: Work technique and volume with a 10 minute EMOM. Pick your own repetitions and maintain across all rounds.

WOD: Wednesday

Happy birthday to our one and only “Water Boy!! – Chris G!!
The water dispenser is empty – awaiting the opening of the box.
Happy birthday legend!!

3 Rounds of:
Skip x50 (working towards double-unders)
Bearcrawl 10m
Toyota Jumps x 10
Spiderman 10m

Mobility: Shoulders>Hips>Ankles

Incrementing ladder 3-4 minutes:
Shuttle Run (2-4-6-8-10…)
Push-ups x 3
Kettlebell swings x 5

2 cycles of the following within 30 minute time cap.
Time each movement separately.
50m Bearcrawl
50 Box Step-overs 20″
25 Push-ups
15 x 10m Shuttle Runs
75 Double-unders
50 Kettlebell Swings/Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerk.

*Complete each movement for time.
*Rest as needed between movement (with time cap in mind)
*Follow order of the board.

Scoring: Total working time.

Push-ups to be completed with in 2 sets (Scale number accordingly).
Double-unders (max 90 seconds) Use first round to establish benchmark repetitions. Alternatively 150 single skips.

WOD: Tuesday

AMRAP in 4 minutes:
1 Push-up
2 Sit-up & Reach
3 Squats
2 x 10m Shuttle runs


Tabata warm-up (20sec on/10 sec off)
1 cycle, then 2 cycles of:
*Aim to move well and pick up the pace as you go.

Complete three rounds for max repetitions of:
2 minutes: Run 200m, then max burpees
Rest 1 minute
2 minutes: Run 200m, then max squats
Rest 1 minute
2 minutes: Run 200m, then max Toes to kettlebell/Toes to bar
Rest 1 minute

*Record you total for each movement and grant tally of all movements.
Athlete with the highest repetitions wins.
*Run = 30seconds out/30 seconds back. Sub with row, bike, etc.

WOD: Monday

run/row/skip/bike 2mins

3 rounds of:
Squat x 10
6 x 10m Shuttle Run
Sit-up & Reach x 5
6 x 10m Shuttle Run


Work technique for your chosen movement then work up in weight.
3 cycles:
5/10 reps of your movement
10 Dynamic Spiderman

Five rounds for time of:
30 Kettlebell Swings or 30 Dumbbell Cleans, or 15 Power Cleans,
Run 400m

*Choose movement depending upon equipment available. Aim for a weight that allows for a challenging unbroken first set.

Photo: Who looks this good after completing partner “Murph” – Danielle and GW Hollywood!!


At home we will remember them:
Lest we forget
Partner or solo run 1 minute out/back.

Alternate with a partner:
Five cycle of:
1x Pull-up/2 x Push-up/3 x Squats
Run 100m (High knees/Boots to Glutes)

Join us for a hero workout.
Partner “Murph”
Run 1.6km (4 minutes out/back)
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
Run 1.6km

*Both partners to complete the run.
*Tag in/out and share reps between partners (in order of movement).

Option 2:
Run 1.6km (4 minutes out/back)
then, complete 10, 15 or 20 rounds of:
5 Pull-ups,
10 Push-ups,
15 Squats
Run 1.6km

*This option provides an opportunity to complete appropriate repetitions based upon individual ability.
This is a hard work: partitioning the repetitions makes this workout more achievable.

Although we can not be together physically today we would like as many people come together to share in comradeship and community in honor of those that made the ultimate sacrifice. Please refer to the link to join in the Light Up The Dawn initiative.

WOD: Friday

Alternate for 2 cycles between:
Run 100m & 30 seconds of:
1. Dynamic hips
2. Sit & Reach
3. Cossack stretch
4. Shoulder rotations

Burpee technique/practice- for best movement
6 second count burpee.

Increment for 3 minutes with efficient movement of:
Burpee (1-2-3-4-5…)
10 second plank

Four rounds for time of:
Run 600m
25 Burpees
Plank *Plank time is equal to the time it takes to do the burpees.

*You will need a stop watch for this one.

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 400m
15 Burpees
30 second plank hold

Photo: Always somewhere to do pull-ups if you look hard enough. Kimberley can give you some ideas.

WOD: Thursday

3 rounds progressing in difficulty:
30 seconds of: Skip > Skip & Double-unders > Double-unders
Overhead walk x 20m (Add weight – plate, dumbbell, kettlebell)
10 x Shoulder taps > 10 sec Wall hold

Then 3-5 rounds of:
6 Controlled lunge (pause in bottom) Add weight as you progress
3-5 Push-ups (Warm up set- unbroken)

Five x 3 minute AMRAP of:
5 Push-ups
10 Overhead lunges (Weight plate, dumbbell or kettlebell)
30 Double-unders

Rest 1 minute between cycles.

*Start where you finished on the previous round.
Record total rounds & any partial repetitions.

Photo: Looking forward to the day we can do our “FUN” team challenges.

WOD: Wednesday

3 x 3reps of Ground taps>Squats>Strict Burpee + Hip up
20m High knees>20m Boots to Glutes>20m Side steps

Work technique and increase in weight for your chosen movement.

Increment as far as possible in 20 minutes of:
Choose one of the following movements and your own repetitions for:
Clean & Jerk (Barbell), or
Kettlebell Swing, or
Clean & Jerk (Dumbbell), or
Deadball over the shoulder,

Run 200m

*Choose your own movement and repetitions based upon your movement and load. Eg. Lower increment for Heavier movements: Clean & Jerk (Barbell) or Heavy deadball 1-2-3-4-5…., Higher repetitions for lighter weight movements Eg. Kettlebell swings, Dumbell Clean & Jerks (2-4-6-8-10…)

*Set your own benchmark. We will repeat this one so we want you to work hard.

WOD: Tuesday

Alternate between Run 100m & movements below:
1. Ankle mobility
2. Bear crawl x 10m
3. Spiderman x 10m

Turkish Get-up practice:
Start with body weight or light weight and move through turkish get-up sequence. Slow & Controlled.
Add weight- work your way up in weight.

EMOM x 10 minutes:
Turkish Get-up x 2 reps (one on left, one on the right)
*Choose a weight that you are able to maintain a rep on each side within the minute.

3 x 400m runs on a 4 minute cycle.
Record your time for each run.

Start run at 0-4-8 minutes.

Photo: The leader (alpha male) of CrossFit Wolfpack. Blessed to be part of your pack Timmy Gorsch.

WOD: Monday

Five rounds of:
5 x 10m Shuttles run
3 Sprawls
5 x 10m Shuttle run
6 Dynamic spiderman

Cycle through the following for 3-4 minutes:
1 Pull-up (Strict)
2 Push-ups
3 Sit & Reach
4 Squats

Add Squat speed:
5 x 10sec efforts of:
*Aim for more reps each round- move efficiently.

Stay in the game for as long as possible:
Minute 1: Squats *
Minute 2: Pull-ups
Minute 3: Squats
Minute 4: Push-ups

* Pick your own number of Squats to be performed in the first minute. This should be a challenging number that you takes you close to 1 minute to complete. Choose between 20-50 Squats (depending upon your ability).

This is a modification of a workout- where the prescribed squats were 50 repetitions.

Minute 1 you are aiming to complete your chosen number of squats, with the deficit to be paid up with either pull-ups or push-ups in the 2nd minute. Continue on with this format until you can no longer achieve the required number of pull-ups or push-ups.
*Stay in the game for a minimum of 12 minutes. If you are out before simply achieve what you can of each movement within the allocated time.

Photo: Kelly & Heather. If you haven’t seen someone for a while be sure to send them a message and help keep everyone on track during this time.