The WOD's

WOD: Saturday

Warm up:
Five rounds of:
5 x 10m Shuttle Runs
10 Air Thrusters

Ankles/Hips and Shoulders

Partner workout.
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
Run 400m/30 Thrusters

*One partner completes the run while the other partner completes the thrusters. Each person must complete their element before swapping over.

*Thruster to be completed with:
Empty barbell
Dumbbell (holding both heads)
Kettlebell (holding handle upside down)

Photo: Josh & Elise super excited after this mornings Zoom class 😀

WOD: Friday

3 rounds of:
Skip x 30
Walking lunge 10m
Single leg romanian deadlift

5 rounds of:
Double-under x 10-20
Box Step>Box Jumps x 5
Kettlebell Swings x 5 (Start at Russian>progress to Full)

Complete each for time of:
30 KB Swings
60 Box Jumps/Step ups
120 Double- unders
Rest 2 minutes,

then, for time:
20 KB Swings
40 Box Jumps/Step ups
80 Double- unders
Rest 1 minute,

then, for time:
10 KB Swings
20 Box Jumps/Step ups
40 Double- unders

*Record- time for each set + Total work time.
Scale: Work in reverse and reduce increment on the way up.
Eg. 10/20/40 repetitions then increase to 15/30/45, etc.

Optional Finisher:
EMOM x 10 minutes:
“X’ Push or “X” Pull

*Choose either a push or pull movement. Ideally the opposite to what you selected on Wednesday.
*Work foundations first

Photo: Don’t have anywhere to do pull-ups. It doesn’t have to be perfect to be effective. Time to get creative.

WOD: Thursday

Warm up:
2 rounds x
Alternating between:
6 x 10m Shuttle runs &
30 seconds of:
1. Squats
2. Iron Cross
3. Dynamic spiderman
4. Push-up

3-5 cycles of Bow & Bend>Cobra Stretch>Downward dog
3 x 10 second Glute bridge>Seated Toe taps

Part A.
Tempo Squats
7 x 3-5 repetitions (3 second lower>3 second pause>3 second rise)

*Goal is to move with perfect form.
*Add enough weight to give feedback, still allowing for good form.
* Use barbell, kettlebell, dumbbell or body weight.

Part B.
Four x 3 minute rounds for max Plank:
15 Burpees,
Run 200m
Max Plank (in remainder of 3 minutes)
*Start a round at 0-3-6-9 minutes.
*Aim for unbroken plank (not required) Stop your stop watch if you break plank.
*Tip: Keep a stop watch close by to record seconds accumulated in plank. Start when you start/Stop when you stop. No math/keep it simple.

Score= total seconds accumulated.

Photo: Who doesn’t want one of these. Amanda knows people who know people 😉

WOD: Wednesday

Happy 11th birthday to our beautiful little Tarzan (Jesse).
May your long hair flow free and your feet run bare – we wouldn’t want you any other way!!

Run/Row/Skip 1 minutes:
2 rounds of:
7 Squats
7 Sit-up & Reach

Run/Row/Skip 1 minutes:
2 rounds of:
7 Toyota Jumps
7 Knee raise/Knees to elbow/ Toes to Kettlebell
5 Push-ups

*Work up in weight on snatch/progress towards toes to bar

Increment as far as possible in 12 minutes of:
Toes to Bar/Toes to kettlebell x 2 (3-6-9-12….)
Snatch (3-6-9-12…)
Run 200m

Optional (but highly recommended)
EMOM – Push or Pull
Pick your movement & your repetitions

Push= Push-ups/Dips (Box or Ring)/Handstand push-ups
Pull= Strict,kip, Strict C2B, kip C2B, Bar Muscle-ups, Ring Muscle-ups

WOD: Tuesday

Welcome back everyone.
Warm up:
Run/Row/Skip 2 minutes (comfortable pace)

4 Rounds of:
5 Hang Cleans, Russian KB Swings/ Hang DB Cleans
3-5 Push-up
5 Squats
30 single skips

*Work towards your chosen movement for the workout. Increase in range of motion, increase in weight, etc.

“The Chief”
Five cycles:
3 minute AMRAP of:
3 Power Cleans 60/40kg
6 Push-ups
9 Squats

Rest 1 minute.

*Substitute 3 Barbel Power cleans with : 6 x Kettlebell Swings or 6 Alternating Dumbbell Power Cleans.
Scoring: Continue on with your rounds and repetitions as you progress through the workout. Eg. 1st cycle= 4 rounds + 3 Push-ups. At the start of the 2nd cycle you will complete the remaining push-ups (3) then continue onto the Squats. Record total rounds + any partial repetitions.

Photo: Lara smashing out some overhead squats- With a headband like that Grant has some competition on his hands.

WOD: Monday

We hope you all had an amazing weekend. Thank you for the beautiful messages we received. Here is a great way to get back into the week.
Warm up:
Run 30seconds out/back
10m Toy Soldier
10m Hip Circles

Ankle & Hip mobility
Leg swings (forward/backward, side to side)
calf & ankles

3 cycles of:
1-2 Pull-ups/Ring Row
5 Ground to overhead
5 Front Squat/Goblet Squat
Part A.
Work out:
Death by:
Thrusters 1-2-3-4-5-6….
Pull-ups 1-2-3-4-5-6…
*On the 1st minute complete 1 thruster, 1 pull-ups, rest remainder of the minute.
Min 2. complete 2 thruster, 2 pull-ups, rest remainder of the minute.
Continue on with format until you can no longer achieve the required number of repetitions within the minute.
*Aim to stay in the game for a minimum of 10 minutes.

If you get out>start back at 1 until you have achieved 10 minutes of work.

Part B. Optional (not so optional :D)
Three x 400m runs on a 4 minute cycle.
*Start runs at 0, 4, 8 minutes.
* Aim for no more than a 10 second variation between efforts.
*400m = benchmark 1 minute out and use this as your gauge.

Happy Easter

We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a wonderful Easter with loved ones. Hold your loved ones close, don’t sweat the small stuff and enjoy the simple things in life.

WOD: Saturday


2 cycles of:
Scorpion stretch X 3 per side
5 X 10m shuttle runs
Iron cross X 3 per side
5 X 10m shuttle runs

2-3 rounds of:
2 complex- Push-up + Sit & Reach + Squat
High knees 10m
Boots to glutes 10m

*Work up specifically for your movement for the workout.

EMOM X 20 mins:
Min 1. Run + Squats
Min 2. Run + Toes to Bar/ Toes to kettlebell
Min 3. Run + Push-up/Handstand push-up
Min 4. Rest
*Record total repetitions for each movement and grand tally of overall repetitions.

WOD: Friday

Warm up:
Increment ladder in 4 minutes of:
Sit & Reach
Shuttle Run

Then, with weight-
Five rounds of:
6 Ground to Overhead
6 Lunges
*Progress towards the weight for the workout.

Five rounds for time of:
Run 200m
30m Overhead Lunge (Single arm or plate)
Run 200m
45 sec plank hold

*Run out for approx. 30sec/back 30sec = 1 minute effort
*Choose a weight and overhead option that allows for a challenging effort (no more than 1 break to get through the 30m)
* Aim for unbroken plank

Scale: *If your lunges need work don’t add load (I.e. Body weight only) or Substitute with Squats.

Photo: I love when the whole family trains together- The McKenzie’s making us proud (Nicole was behind the camera).

WOD: Thursday

Warm up:
2 Rounds of:
Bearcrawl 10m
High knee/Boots to Glutes/Side step
Spiderman 10m
High knee/Boots to Glutes/Side step

3 Rounds of:
10 Toyota Jumps
5 Push-ups
Shuttle Run 4 x 10m


Increment as far as possible in 10 minutes of:
Dumbbell Snatch (per side) (1-2-3-4-5…)
Dumbbell facing Burpees (1-2-3-4-5…)
8 x 10m Shuttle Run

*Record total reps achieved Eg. 9/11 Burpees.

REST 3 Minutes

Decreasing reps for time of:
What you achieved in Part A.
Eg. Achieved 9/11 Burpees-
Complete 9 Burpees, 11 Dumbbell Snatch, 8 Shuttle Runs,
10 Burpees, 10 Dumbbell Snatch, 8 Shuttle Runs.
Continue all the way back down finishing at 1 Dumbbell Snatch.

*This WOD is not to be gamed. Work hard on Part A. Establish your own benchmark, and aim to finish as quick as possible in Part B.
*Regardless of ability Part B allows all athletes to take on a challenge relative to their ability.