The WOD's

WOD: Wednesday

Warm up:
Shoulder rotations/stretch
Cycle through:
Bow & Bend>Inch worm>Dynamic hips>Ankle & calves

3 minutes of:
50 Skips
1 Pull-up
2 Push-up
3 Sit & Reach
4 Squats

EMOM x 30 minutes:
Min 1. Double-unders 40seconds (Aim for 50)
Min 2. 30 second Pull-ups/Push-ups
Min 3. Rest

*Work for 40 seconds for double and aim to hold repetitions for subsequent rounds.
*Complete 30 sec of pull-ups (count reps) straight into 30 sec Push-up (count reps)
*Pick a repeatable pull movement- I.e. Kip, C2B.

*Score is total number of Pull-ups+Push-ups = Grant tally.

Pull-ups: Ring rows/Flexed arm hang.
Push-up: Incline push-up is always preferred over knee push-ups.

WOD: Tuesday

Run/Row/Skip 2 minutes.

Dislocates/arm rotations (PVC)
Trunk twists
Good mornings

Alternate between
*Squat raises + rotation left & right)
1. Donkey kicks (5-10)
2. Handstand kick-ups
3. Handstand holds

Move onto light weight:
3 rounds of:
3 Push Press
3 cycles of 1/4, 1/2, Full OH Squat (Barbell, DB, KB or plate)

“Nancy” with a twist
Five rounds for time of:
Run 400m
15 Overhead Squats

Barbell: Aim for a challenging but unbroken effort on the Overhead Squat.
Dumbbell/Kettlebell: Single arm overhead squat (warm into this well).
Plate overhead squat.

Scale: PVC or broomstick (work quality movement. Reduce reps if required)
Goblet Squat or Front Squat as required.

Photo: Mark M & Barb(taking photo) HOME WOD. These guys are doing a great job training together each day and staying accountable.
We love seeing the daily HOME WOD photos- Keep them coming!!!

WOD: Monday

Warm up:
7 cycles of:
Squat > Inchworm> Push-up

Front support rotation (15 seconds each position)

3 cycles (for best movement) of:
5 Front Squat/Goblet Squat
5 Push Press

3 x 5 Thrusters.
Build in weight towards complex. Practice receiving barbell behind the neck.

“Bear Complex”-
Option 1. Barbell
Five rounds for load:
Complete 7 unbroken sets of:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press

*No letting go of the barbell or resting on the ground.
*Can combine movements Eg. Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press = Squat Clean into Thruster.
* Rest as necessary between rounds.

Dumbbell or Kettlebell variation
Option 2.
Five rounds as heavy as possible:
7 unbroken sets (per side) of:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
*No rest between sets
*Can combine movements
*Complete 7 sets of left, 7 sets on right
*If various weights are available build in weight/otherwise go as heavy as your movement quality and available weight allows.

#Note: Get into the right head space for this one. Take on the challenge!!!
*Record WOD option, equipment, weight.

WOD: Saturday

Grab your partner and ZOOM with us. Warm-up, WOD Brief and movement videos all on the Members page.
*PLEASE NOTE: All members now have access to ROMWOD- let’s make the most of it!!!

Warm-up: Partner
Two cycle through:
Shuttle Run x 6
1. Bow & Bend, ankle & hip mobility
2. Squat rotations
3. Hollow hold/Superman
*One partner on run/other of movements. Get your communication dialed in!!

ZOOM Partner WOD:
This may require you to join in early to ensure there are no technical issues. This could be a huge success or massive fail- FUN either way!!!

Two rounds for as many reps as possible of:
2 mins: Shuttle Runs x 10m / Plank Hold
Rest 1 min
2 mins: Toes to Kettlebell or Toes to bar / Overhead hold
Rest 1 min
2 mins: Dumbbell Snatch (Alt) / Wall Squat
Rest 1 min
2 mins: Lunges / Hollow hold
Rest 1 min

*One partner must hold static movement for repetitions to be accumulated.
* Share repetitions any how between you and your partner.
* Repetitions will be recorded as one continuous count.
Partners must ensure they can see/hear each other while performing movements/ holds.

Photo of the day: Matt scaling up his run for Friday’s WOD.

WOD: Friday

Members please check Facebook for warm-up, WOD Brief & Movement videos. Log in your ZOOM time or Home WOD.
“SIP & STRETCH” @5pm – Be sure to login early.

Attendance across the board has been great-Keep it up!!
Feedback from Mark regarding those on the Nutrition challenge has been really positive. Well done!!
Our crew has shown so much resilience, adaptability and most importantly community!!! We look back on this past week and can’t help but be overwhelmed from the love and support and have so much pride in our community!! Thank you each and every one of you.

Keep the photos coming. If you are training at home be sure to log it so you get the credit you deserve.

Run/Row/Skip 2 minutes.
Mobility: 3 rounds of:
Single leg Romanian deadlift 3-5 per side
Downward dog + ankle stretch
Dynamic hips (circles, pulses, etc)

Progression: 5 repetitions of each movement:
Push-ups>Sumo Deadlift> Run 10m Foward/Backwards x 2
Sprawl>Russian KB Swings>Run 10m Foward/Backwards x 2
Burpees>Full Kettlebell Swings> Run 10m Foward/Backwards x 2

0-5 Minutes:
Run 800-1000m (2 mins out/back)
5-15 Minutes: EMOM x 10minutes
10-15 Kettlebell Swings
15-20 Minutes:
Max repetition burpees (onto plate)

*Scored component is the burpees.

Scaling/substitution: Dumbbell Swings or plate Ground to Overhead.

#Notes: You should come in around 4 minutes from the run to allow rest prior to the EMOM. Pick a range of motion and repetitions for the KB that allows for completion in 40 seconds or less on the first round. Hold that number across all 10 rounds.
Your burpees are the scored component- work our your best strategy to earn the highest repetitions.

*Saturday heads up- Grab yourself a real life partner or a Zoom partner.
Photo: Courtesy of Mykie. Daniel’s after pic following the WOD.

WOD: Thursday

Members check out warm-up/WOD Brief & movement video. Be sure to book in for Zoom session on members Facebook page.

Run/Row/skip 2 minutes.
2 rounds of:
Dynamic hips x 10
Plank to Front Support x 5
40 seconds High knees/Boots to Glutes

3 rounds of:
5-7 Goblet Squat/Front Squat (light)
5-7 Push Press
20 second Plank

Work your weight up for thrusters.

Four rounds for time of:
25 Thrusters *
60 second plank hold
Run 400m

*Repetitions for thrusters have been selected to accommodate for lighter loads of Dumbbells and Kettlebells.
Barbell: If you are able to go heavier on a barbell choose a weight that allows for 15 repetitions to be completed in no more than 2 sets on your first round.
*Plank- aim or unbroken on all rounds
*400m run is designed to be between 1.45-2.00 minutes of work. Set your distance by establishing 1 minute out (=1 minute return) during your warm up.

*Four rounds allows you to push relatively hard on all elements. Be sure you can get straight onto the thrusters following your run.

*Record your time/equipment and weight.

Photo: A picture tells 1000 words Lloyd.

WOD: Wednesday

Book your Zoom session in and check out the movement videos on our members page. You are all smashing it!!!

*Note for members with home gym set ups I have sent out additional workouts to allow for more variety in your training. This is available for all members.

3 Rounds:
Bear crawl 10 m
Sit-up & Reach x 5
Spider man x 10 m
Lunges x 10 (5 per side)

3 cycles of:
Scorpion Stretch x 3 per side
Iron cross x 3 per side
Glute bridge x 5 (3 sec hold at top)

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
50 x Box Step ups (add weight)
50 x Sprawls
50 x Strict Sit-ups (or 25 V-ups)
50 m Bear crawl

Scaling 1: AMRAP of 25 repetitions of each movement.
Scaling 2: AMRAP of 10 repetitions of each movement.

*Add weight to box step up where possible (Weight held anywhere).
If no where to complete box step up- complete same repetitions in lunges.
*Advanced athletes scale up to V-Snaps (no further scaling).

Photo: Courtesy of Kelly- Heather completing WOD at home.

WOD: Tuesday

Please note our Zoom links, warm-up, WOD brief and movement videos can all be found on our members Facebook page.
With further changes implementing the way we do business

A. 5 Rounds of:
Bent over row 8-12 reps
– Barbell or
– Dumbbell or
– Kettlebell
Max effort ‘Push’
– Push-ups
– Dips
*Complete as a super set then rest between rounds

B. 10 minute ascending ladder of double-under:
Pick rep scheme that suits your abilities.
Eg. 2-4-6-8…. Advanced athletes 10-20-30-40…
*Sets must be unbroken to count. If you fail a set eg. 38/40 reps, you must repeat that set until you complete all reps unbroken.
Your score is the total sets unbroken Eg. 60/60.

Note#This is a time to get creative with your equipment. Look around and use what objects you can for static dips- hay bales, kitchen stools, boxes. Think outside of the “box”.

Photo: These little legends are always keen for a WOD. They know how to adapt as well. Who would have thought trampoline for supine rows- I call this brilliant!!!

WOD: Monday

Please book your ZOOM Sessions- all links found on Facebook members page.

Option 1 – Barbell
EMOM x 20 minutes:
2 Power Cleans +
2 Front Squats +
2 Push Jerks

Option 2 – Dumbell or light kettlebell
EMOM x 20 minutes:
Min 1. 2 Power Cleans/KB Swings +2 Front Squat + 2 Push Jerk (Each side)
Min 2. 10 x 10m Shuttle Run

Option 3 – Kettlebell
EMOM x 20 minutes:
Min 1. 3 Kettlebell Swings + 3 Goblet Squat + 3 Push Press
Min 2. 10 x 10m Shuttle Run

Notes: Choose option depending upon equipment available to you.
Option 1: Pick a weight that allows for good movement. Approx. 30 seconds of work.
Only dump the bar if you have mats. Otherwise aim for unbroken sets (Chris did 80-70kg broken, Marie did 42.5kg unbroken).
Option 2/3: Aim for approx 30 seconds of work.
Scaling: Adjust repetitions and/or range of movement for kettlebell as required. Reduce reps on most difficult movement for you (Eg. 1 Front/Goblet Squat). Move fast on the run.
*The addition of the run for minute 2 is aimed at controlling overall volume of the workout.
*This is designed for you to have some recovery between sets. If you are no longer getting rest reduce weight to allow for repeatable quality movement.

Photo: Mel & Leesa don’t miss a Zoom session- they have been meeting in the park and zooming in together. Awesome work ladies!!

WOD: Saturday

Join us for a Zoom WOD and stay for a coffee.

Skip x 2 min. or 2 min. run.
3 rounds:
Backward Bend > Inch Worm > Dynamic Hips x 10 > Roll Over > Sit-up & Reach x 7.
Practice Candlestick (determine your own standard of movement).

For time:
20-2 Sprawl
5 x 10m Shuttle Run
10-1 Candlestick
5 x 10m Shuttle Run

You should aim to sprint through the sprawls and shuttle runs as these are low cost movements. Place a high priority on achieving the highest movement standard that you are capable of in the candlesticks – these are the crux of the workout.
There should be no need to scale volume if you have picked an appropriate standard of difficulty in the candlesticks.

Photo of the Day: Family “Sip & Stretch” – just the way we like it!!!

Please note: Depending upon weather we will be running a Bootcamp session at the beach from 4pm. Be sure to book in via Members Facebook page.