WOD: Friday
Don’t forget to RSVP for our “SIP & STRETCH” session at 5:00pm. See you in the ZOOM ROOM- Times are on the Members Facebook page.
A. EMOM x 10 minutes:
‘X’ Push-ups or
‘X’ Handstand Push-ups
*Chose your movement and repetitions and maintain repetitions across all 10 minutes. Think total volume: 6 reps = 60 total.
B. Three rounds for time of:
15 Power Cleans (Fast single), or
25-30 Dumbbell Snatch, or
30-50 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
50 Squats/Pistols (alternating)
*Choose option Power Cleans, DB Snatch or SDHP) based around the equipment you have at hand.
*If weights are lighter choose higher repetitions.
*Advanced athletes may complete pistols.
Photo: Where are you training? Zoom- take me anywhere & we will WOD together!! Sara – Photo of the day (the only photo posted). Let’s make this a thing. I saw some epic set-ups and surroundings- share it with us.