WOD: Monday
3 rounds for completion:
0-2 min. 75 Double-unders
2-4 min. 25 Pull-ups
4-6 min. 15 Deadball Over the Shoulder 45/30kg
6-8 min. 20 Toes to Bar
8-10 min. 20 Ball Slam 20/12kg
3 rounds for completion:
0-2 min. 75 Double-unders
2-4 min. 25 Pull-ups
4-6 min. 15 Deadball Over the Shoulder 45/30kg
6-8 min. 20 Toes to Bar
8-10 min. 20 Ball Slam 20/12kg
Join us for a “fun” partner WOD.
Bring your friends along to join in the “fun”. This is a great session for those wanting to try CrossFit for the first time. The workout will be suitable for beginner to advanced athletes.
Photo: Jesse and Harry. Today marks the start of the Cub Games- (Mini Open for the kids). It was great to have the kids throw down together.
For time:
10 Cleans 60/40kg
10 Cleans 80/52.5kg
10 Cleans 100/65kg
10 Cleans 80/52.5kg
10 Cleans 60/40kg
*Cleans must pass through a full squat.
*One barbell. Weight changes are part of your overall time.
EMOM x 32 min.
1. Air Bike (calories)
2. Rest
3. Toes to Bar (reps)
4. Rest
5. Row (calories)
6. Rest
7. Bear Crawl (m)
8. Rest
Photo: Kim has worked so hard on shoulder flexibility and stability. We are still working on getting the bar back into a stronger overhead position but are super stoked with her progress. Awesome work Kim!!!
“The Chief”
AMRAP in 3 min.
3 Power Clean 60/40kg
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
*Repeat for a total of five, 3 minute cycles.
*Rest 1 min. between cycles.
A. 7 x 3 Front Squat
*Maintain load across.
B. Gymnastic Pulling – choose one:
1. 5 sets x max reps.
2. Death by.
3. EMOM x 10.
*Pull-ups (strict, C2B, kipping etc.)
Five rounds for time of:
12 Push Jerk 60/40kg
Run 360m
*Note: Advanced athletes: the repetitions for the Push Jerks have been programmed with the intent of aiming for unbroken sets.
*Run 360m leave and enter through the front roller door.
Photo: Shane taking on Lloyd and Andy for a standing arm wrestle (or stretch) depending upon how competitive you are.
Come and join us for a “FUN” partner/team workout. This session is perfect for those wanting to try CrossFit for the first time. No technical movements, just a great workout with our awesome community.
Hope to see you there!!
A. Push Press 5-5-5-5-5
*From the ground.
B. Seven rounds for time of:
Run 180m
Bear Crawl 20m
For total work time:
50 Cal. Bike
50 Cal. Row
50 Toes to Bar
50 Burpees
50 Russian Swings 32/24kg
50 Ball Slam 20/12kg
*Time each movement separately and add up your total time at the end.
*Perform in any order.