The WOD's

WOD: Tuesday

10 Rounds for time of:
Run 180m
45 second Plank
6 Deadball over shoulder 45kg/30kg
*Advanced athletes 20sec L-Sit in place of Plank (no scaling)
*30 Minute cut-off

WOD: Monday

Five rounds of:
12-15 Goblet Squats (Heavy)
12-15 Seated Strict Shoulder Press
‘X” Strict Pull-ups (choose own reps)
*Working in groups of 3 in relay format.

It is time to put the festive season behind us and rip into 2020!! We are rested and recovered and pumped for a great year with you all!!! Hope to see as many of you in as possible.

*We are back to our regular schedule.

WOD: Saturday

We hope you have all had a wonderful festive season and are ready for a great year of training.
We are back from our family holiday and are back to our usual schedule. We looking forward to seeing you all. This is a great workout to get you back into the swing of it- hope to see you there.

EMOM for 20minutes:
Minute 1. 5 x Clean & Jerk
Minute 2. ‘X’ Toes to Bar
*Pick your own load (C&J) and repetitions (T2B)

WOD: Friday

Session time: 8am-9:30am
WOD or Open Gym

For time complete:
5-10-15-20-15-10-5 reps of:
Front Squats 50/35kg
Run 180m

Photo: Thanks to Grant. Some of our 500, 750 & 1000 Club members.

WOD: Thursday

Start your year of right and join us for the 1st WOD of 2020!! 7am-8:30am with Tom.

Partner or Individual workout
Incrementing ladder in 12 minutes of:
2-4-6-8-10-12…. of
Deadball over shoulder 45/30kg
Deadball front carry 10m
*If working with a partner, one members completes 2 Over shoulder, then carry, other partner will then complete the same round.

Rest 3 minutes. Then……
For time complete:
Descending ladder from where you achieved in the first effort.

*Aim to beat 12 minutes.

Photo: Saturday team WOD- smiles all around at the end of the WOD???

New Years Day

The Box is closed today!! Use this day to rest and recover. Hope to see you back tomorrow for the first WOD of 2020!!!!

WOD: Tuesday

Session time: 7am-8:30am (with Tom).
Last workout for 2019…..

AMRAP “Angie”
Pull-ups (10 minutes)
Push-ups (8 minutes)
Sit-ups (6 minutes)
Squats (4 minutes)

*Complete as many repetitions of the movement within the allocated time frame. Aim to complete 100 repetitions of each movement. If completed early, continue onto the next movement.

Wishing you all a safe and wonderful New Years!!! We look forward to seeing you back in 2020!!

WOD: Monday

Session 9am-10:30am (With Tom)
Open gym or complete the suggested workout below.

10-8-6-4-2 reps of:
Clean & Jerk

*Add weight for each round.
*Aim to move well. I.e Repetitions do not need to be touch and go.

Tabata Bike 8 rounds of 20sec work/10sec rest

Photo: Thanks to Grant. Welcome Kim to the 1000 Club. (Kim has achieved more than 1000 sessions at Coastal CrossFit- Awesome work Kim!!!)

WOD: Saturday

Normal session time 7am -8am.

Partner Workout:
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
50 cal air bike (50 stroke change over)
100 Cal Row (25 stroke change over)
10 x 180m Run (Alternating)

*Alternate with your partner on each activity until all calories have been completed.

Photo: Thanks to Grant. Chloe Saliba “12 days of Christmas”.

WOD: Friday

Reminder we are on a reduced time table. The gym will be open from 8am- 9:30am for Open Gym or to complete a WOD.
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas. We encourage you all to keep active during this time (do something positive), even to counteract some of the indulgence during this period.

5 Rounds for completion:
15 Burpees
15 Wall ball 6/9kg
15 Ball Slams 20/12kg
Run 360m
*This is aimed to get you moving.

Photo: Thanks to Grant Williams. Lloyd smiling his way through the “12 days of Christmas”.