The WOD's

Merry Christmas

Wishing you all a safe and beautiful Christmas with family and friends.

Chris and I would like to thank you all for a wonderful year.

From the bottom of our hearts thank you for your ongoing support and love through our craziest year so far. It has been a challenging but most rewarding year for us. We look forward to continuing our journey with a fabulous 2020 with you all. xoxo

WOD: Tuesday

Reduced timetable starts today: 8am-9:30am.
WOD kicking off at 8am: Details below.
Open Gym: You also have the option of doing you own thing throughout the allocated time.

WOD: Team Scavenger hunt- bring your sense of adventure and Christmas Spirit. Points will be awarded based upon task completed.
*Bonus points allocated for every team member who wears something Christmasy.

*Please ensure you are aware of the reduced timetable over the festive season.

WOD: Monday

Five rounds for time:
400m run
21 Kettlebell Swings
12 Pull-ups

WOD: Saturday

Well done to everyone who braved the 12 Days of Christmas!
Today we have a “fun” team workout for you. We look forward to seeing you there!

WOD: Friday

“The 12 Days of Christmas”
1. Front Squat 50/35kg
2. Power Cleans 50/35kg
3. Hand Release Push-up
4. Pull-ups
5. Deadlift 50/35kg
6. Toes to Bar
7. Ball Slams 12/9kg
8. Burpees
9. Goblet Squat 22.5/15kg
10. Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
11. Shuttle Run (10m)
12. Thrusters 50/35kg
*Performed in the order of 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1, 5-4-3-2-1 etc.

WOD: Thursday

0-5 Minutes:
Row 1000m
5-15 Minutes:
3 X Power Snatch
15-20 Minutes:
Row 1000m
20-27 Minutes:
5 X Squat Cleans

*Choose own weight for Power Snatch and hold the same weight for Squat Cleans.

WOD: Wednesday

A. EMOM x 10:
Toes to Bar tech.
Eg. 1 Kipping Swing + 1 Knees to Elbows + 1 Toes to Bar
*Guidance will be given on format/difficulty/volume.

B. Three rounds for time:
150 Double-unders
50 Sit-ups (strict w/feet anchored)

WOD: Tuesday

7 Supersets:
8-10 Pendlay Row
6-8 Reverse Lunge (per leg)
*Maintain load across.

Tabata Row or Bike for calories.