The WOD's

WOD: Tuesday

Five rounds for max reps:
Bodyweight Bench Press
*Scaling: Aim for 12-15 reps in the 1st round of bench and maintain that weight through.


WOD: Monday

Today marks the 12th anniversary of the passing of Brendan Hurst (Hursty). Rest in Peace Brendan Hurst “Hursty”- gone but not forgotten…
For those that couldn’t make Saturday but would like to complete Hero WOD -“Hursty” please read details below.

0-5 minutes:
Row 1200/1000m
5-10 minutes:
200 Double-unders,
4 minute plank,
15minutes, until completion:
100 Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg


“HURSTY” – A huge thank you to everyone that came in for “Hursty” on Saturday.  It was a wonderful morning and a great way to honor the memory of Brendan for Tanya and Max.
A huge thank you to Grant for once again taking the time to capture the memories and moments we share.
Congratulations to Madi and Nathan for taking out first place male and female (plaque rights).

For those that couldn’t make it on Saturday but would like to complete “Hursty” the gym will be open 20 minutes prior to the session.  Feel free to come in and warm-up early to ensure the workout is completed within the session timings.


WOD: “HURSTY 2019”

*Please read: “HURSTY” Plan in scroll bar- for details of the running of the day, scaling, etc.

15 Rounds for time of:
Run 100m
7 Front squats 60/40kg
Run 100m
7 Burpee Pull-ups (30cm above max standing reach)

The 15th of July 2019 will mark the 12th anniversary of the passing of Brendan Hurst (Hursty). For those that don’t know, Brendan was the partner of Coastal CrossFitter and good friend Tanya Cashin, and father to their son Max.
It is our honour to be conducting a Memorial WOD for Brendan “HURSTY” and would love to see maximum attendance. At Tanya and Max’s request we will be running “Hursty” tomorrow, Saturday 13th July.



WOD: Friday

Drop Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat (1+2+3)
*Build in weight progressively, discard the weaker lifts as they become limiting.

2.4km run or 3km row.

WOD: Thursday

40 minutes to complete four rounds:
Row 500/400m
100m Farmers Carry 2 x 24/16kg
10 x 10m Sled Push 20/0kg
100m Overhead Carry 20/15kg
*Each individual effort is for time – rest as necessary between efforts.
*Your score is the total time of the 16 individual efforts.

WOD: Wednesday

A. Spend 15 minutes working up to a heavy Hang Clean

B. 1RM Back Squat
*This will mark the start of our next Squat cycle. Please try your best to attend.

WOD: Tuesday

A. 10-1 reps for time of:
Gymnastic Pull
Gymnastic Push
*12 min. cut off.
*Choose the hardest pair of movements you think you can complete in the time cap eg. C2B/HSPU. Extra credit for unbroken sets!

B. AMRAP in 10 min:
Max effort L-sit
75 Skip

WOD: Monday

Three Balls of Death
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Wall Ball 12/9kg (Deadball)
Ball Slam 30/20kg
Deadball Over the Shoulder 45/30kg

WOD: Saturday

We have a dry weather and a wet weather workout planned, so come on in regardless!

See you at 7:00am!


WOD: Friday

Choose one of the following:
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlift 100/70kg
Handstand Push-ups

15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Deadlift 85/60kg
Ring Dips

20-16-12-8-4 reps for time of:
Deadlift 70/50kg