The WOD's

WOD: Friday

Hi all, please note that the gym will be closed on Monday so that we can reassemble after Clash on the Coast. The Clash is a long and tiring day and we simply won’t have the time or energy to reassemble the gym on Sunday night. We thank you for your understanding.

“Macho Man”
EMOM for as long as possible:
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Jerks
*For reference this workout was originally posted at 84/61kg.
Pick a weight that gives you a chance for 15-20 rounds.

WOD: Thursday

For completion:
EMOM x 30 minutes:
0-9 min: 10 x 10m shuttle run (per min.)
10-19 min: 2 x Turkish Get-up 22.5/15kg (per min.)
20-24 min: 50 Double-unders (per min.)
25-30 min: 75 Abmat Sit-ups (5 min to complete)

*Please check out the attached clip!

WOD: Wednesday

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats


AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One Legged Squats (alternating)
15 Pull-ups



WOD: Tuesday

A. “Shankle Complex”
1 Deadlift + 3 Pulls + 1 Hang Clean + 2 Jerks
*7 Attempts to build in weight.
*See attached video.

B. Pause Front Squat + Front Squat (1+1)
*7 sets.
*Increase in weight by 2.5-5kg from last week.

WOD: Monday

Five rounds, each for time:
15 Burpees
50m Farmers Carry 24/16kg KB’s
Row 250m
*Rest as close to 3 minutes between rounds as possible.

WOD: Saturday

In memory of Dave Sims.
In honour of Amber, Ella, Ash & Evie Sims.
Our hearts go out to you and your family at this time.

3 Rounds:
15 Burpees
11 Air Squats
9 Bar Muscle-ups
Run 1200m
35 Snatches 45/35kg

To find out more or to support financially please check out CrossFit Contessa’s Facebook event – “DAVE”

WOD: Friday

A. 7 Sets:
Pause Front Squat + Front Squat (1+2)
*Use the same weight as last week.

B. For fewest sets:
125 Wall Ball 9/6kg
10 min. cut off.

WOD: Thursday

Five super-sets:
Bench Press 12-15 reps
Landmine Rows 10-12 reps
*Rest as necessary between sets.

Optional Finisher:
Tabata Push-ups
*Score total reps.

WOD: Wednesday

For time:
Row 1500m
175 Double-unders
50 Box Step Overs 20/15kg @ 20″
175 Double-unders
50 Toes to Bar

WOD: Tuesday

Reminder: We are back to our old timetable as of today (4:30 & 5:30pm).

A. EMOM x 10:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch
*Perform as a linked set for a long as possible.

B. Four rounds for time of:
7 Power Snatch 40/30kg
7 Push-ups
7 Overhead Squat 40/30kg
7 Push-ups
*HSPU for advanced athletes.