WOD: Tuesday
A. Dumbbell Strict Press 5 x 8-10 reps
*Maintain load across
B. Five rounds for time:
10 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead *
15 Toes to Bar
Run 360m
Photo: End of Father & son training.
A. Dumbbell Strict Press 5 x 8-10 reps
*Maintain load across
B. Five rounds for time:
10 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead *
15 Toes to Bar
Run 360m
Photo: End of Father & son training.
“The Chief”
Five, 3 minute AMRAPS of:
3 Power Cleans 60/40kg
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
Rest 1 minute after each AMRAP.
*Continuous count.
Photo: Congratulations Sas on her awesome result and effort during the 7 rounds of Man Makers. Completing 15kg and taking the best result for the ladies. So pumped for you!!!
Only the 7am session will run – join Luke, then…
Join us at 8:30am at CrossFit Contessa – for a WOD and Fundraiser Click here for details
We have 3 ladies from the Sunshine Coast: Sienna (14-15year – CrossFit Noosa), Rach (Masters – CrossFit Sisyphus ) & our very own Chloe heading to the CrossFit Games. Let’s celebrate their achievements and support them with a WOD and coffee.
A huge thank you to Amanda from CrossFit Contessa for organizing.
Partner relay
For time:
4 x 360m Run (YGIG x 2 each)
150 WallBall 9/6kg
4 x 360m Run (YGIG x 2 each)
360m Farmers Carry (2x16kg, 2x24kg) (Adv 2x24kg, 2 x 32kg)
4 x 360m Run (YGIG x 2 each)
80 Burpee Broadjumps (Burpee + 1m Broadjump)
*Share work anyhow
Photo: Grant & Danielle’s adventures in the USA before the CrossFit Games. Have an amazing time!! We are missing you. xo
EMOM x 30 minutes:
Min 1: Row 200/180m, Echo 500/450m
Min 2: Max Shuttle Runs x 10m
Min 3: Rest
Min 4: Double-unders x 50
Min 5: Max Burpees
Min 6: Rest
*Advanced athletes scale up to Drag rope double-unders (30-50reps)
*Alternate between Row/Echo Bike
Please note: The 5:30pm will be coached until 6pm.
A. Five Supersets:
Bench Press 8-10 reps
Pendlay Row 10-12 reps
*Rest as necessary between rounds.
*Maintain weight across sets
Compare to last time here
B. Optional:
3 Rounds:
Max Push-ups
Max Ring Rows (Feet elevated)
*Rest between efforts.
Three rounds for time:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
12 Pull-ups
Compare to last time here
Photo: It takes a village to raise kids. We are so grateful for the village we have. Greg is an amazing role model for everyone. I am especially thankful that he has taken Jesse under his wing. Teaching him so much more than just boxing. Watching these two together fills my heart. Thank you Greggy. Xo
Mindbody is having technical issues- both 7am & 8am sessions will be on.
Come and join us for a partner workout.
Photo: Shane (FIFO) always great having this guy in the box.