The WOD's

WOD: Wednesday

A. 3RM Front Squat
*This will mark the start of our next squat cycle. Please try to make it along to this.

Ascend for 10 minutes:
1 Strict Pull-up
10m Walking Lunge
*Add 1 pull-up per round.


WOD: Tuesday

EMOM x 4:
5 Hang Muscle Snatch

Rest 1 min.

EMOM x 4:
4 Hang Power Snatch

Rest 1 min.

EMOM x 4:
3 Hang Squat Snatch

Rest 1 min.

Five rounds for time:
10 Hang Power Snatch 50/35kg
12 Toes to Bar

WOD: Monday

Due to the labour day public holiday, regular session are cancelled.
Open Gym 3:00pm- 4:30pm tomorrow.

Hope to see you there!!!

Please note#The Open Gym will run along side our kids session. Kids (5+) are welcome to attend for a casual rate of $12.

Well done to all that competed at the Fittest Three yesterday.
Remember to get your best photos in. Winner will receive a Coastal CrossFit shirt.

WOD: Saturday

Best of luck to all of our crew competing at the Fittest 3 (CrossFit The Stables, Mountain Creek) today.
If you are around the area be sure to go and check out the action and show your support. A free Coastal CrossFit shirt will go to the person with the best photo, be sure to tag @Coastalcrossfitqueensland.

AMRAP in 12 minutes:
12 Bar Facing Burpees
9 Power Snatch 50/35kg
6 Bar Muscle-ups
*This is the first workout for this year’s Masters League Competition. You can treat this like a normal daily workout or you can use it as a chance to have a score validated. Various scalings will be provided.

WOD: Friday

Five supersets:
Bench Press 10-12 reps
Max Reps Strict Pull-ups
*Ideally, choose a strict pull-up style that will allow for similar reps as the Bench Press. For athletes with limited pull-ups, either scale back to ring rows or accumulate strict pull-ups to achieve sufficient volume. Conversely, if you’re advanced, scale up to C2B or add/or add weight.

WOD: Thursday

EMOM x 30 min.
1. Row 20/16 cal.
2. Max Knees to Elbows
3. Rest
4. Max Overhead Lunge 20/15kg
5. 50 Double-unders
6. Rest

WOD: Wednesday

3RM Overhead Squat
*Time to re-test! Try not to miss this one.

Death by 10m

WOD: Tuesday

EMOM x 4:
5 Hang Muscle Clean

Rest 1 min.

EMOM x 4:
4 Hang Power Clean

Rest 1 min.

EMOM x 4:
3 Hang Squat Clean

Rest 1 min.

EMOM x 10:
Bar Facing Burpees
*Base your reps around a 30 second semi max effort in minute 1.

WOD: Monday

For time:
50 Deadlift 60/40kg
25 Strict Pull-ups
35 Push Jerk 60/40kg
25 Strict Pull-ups
50 Deadlift 60/40kg

WOD: Saturday

*Please note that there will be an additional training slot this Sunday between 3:00-4:30pm. This will be open gym format but a workout will also be programmed for those who would like guidance.

3 x 5 minute rounds:
0-2 min: Run 400m then max reps Double-unders
2-3 min: DB Push Press 15/10kg
3-4 min: Pull-ups
4-5 min: DB Hang Squat Clean 15/10kg
*Rest 5 minutes between rounds.
*Check out Dan Bailey doing this workout in the attached video!