The WOD's
WOD: Monday
100 Thrusters for time/load.
*5 Burpees at the start of each minute.
*20 minute time cap.
Note: This workout is based off a hero workout called “Kalsu” where the load is prescribed at 135/95lbs. As a guide, I would recommend a load that you can do around 15 UB reps to make this a survivable experience! Chris.
Photo: Thanks to Tom_Bennet_Photo. Our kids class learning the traffic light system for nutrition.
WOD: Saturday
WOD: Friday
For time:
25 Strict Pull-ups
25 Shoulder Press 45/30kg
75 Burpees
25 Shoulder Press
25 Strict Pull-ups
*C2B for advanced athletes.
WOD: Thursday
Three cycles:
AMRAP in 4 min:
21 Deadlift
15 Front Squat
9 Power Cleans
*Rest 4 min.
*Weights: 40/30kg, 60/40kg, 70/50kg
WOD: Wednesday
A. Overhead Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2
*Pause in the bottom of the 1st rep for 2 seconds.
B. For time:
400m Deadball Carry 30/20kg
400m DB Carry (2x) 22.5/15kg
400m Plate Carry 20kg/15kg
Photo: Thanks to Grant Williams.
WOD: Tuesday
A. 30 sec. on/30 sec off x 16 min:
1. 30 sec. HS Hold (wall or free standing)
2. 30 sec. Double/Triple-unders
3. 30 sec. Strict Toes to Bar
4. 30 sec. Row
*This will not be a scored component. The aim is to bias towards skill/strength development with a moderately elevated heart rate.
B. Five efforts:
On the 90 sec.
Run 200m
WOD: Monday
WOD: Saturday
#Please note: due to predicted rain the Beach Session will be postponed. However, we have an exciting “unknown & unknowable” WOD.
Elements of the workout will be reveiled as you go. Duration: unknown
Movements: unknown
Format: unknown
You can’t strategise for this one. Bring your best “A Game” and let’s test your fitness.
The WOD was:
800m run
50 Burpees
50 Kettlebell swings 24/16kg
25 Ball Slams 20/12kg
Run 400m
Max reps Toes to Bar until 18mins.