The WOD's

WOD: Thursday

Hang Power Clean 30-20-10-5 reps.
*Each set is for load.
*Rest as necessary between sets.
*Don’t be a cherry picker!

Tabata Burpees

WOD: Wednesday

A. Five super-sets:
Strict Toes to Bar
5 x 10 sec. Glute Bridge
*T2B can be max reps or accumulate a chosen number per round.

B. Seven rounds for time of:
Run 200m
30 sec. plank

Beach Workout : Cancelled

We apologies but the weather gods don’t appear to want us to run a beach WOD just yet.

We have a fun workout planned at the box for tomorrow so be sure not to miss this one!!

WOD: Tuesday

*Please don’t forget 4:15pm, 5:15pm, 6:15pm today.

For time:
10 Turkish Get-ups
30 DB Snatch
40 DB Push Press
50 DB Box Step-ups
40 DB Push Press
30 DB Snatch
10 Turkish Get-ups
*All movements are performed with a 22.5/15kg

WOD: Monday

Advance as far as possible in 20 minutes:
1 Strict Pull-up
Run 100m
1 Overhead Squats 50/35kg
25 Double-unders
*Add 1 pull-up and 1 OHS per round.
*Strict C2B for advanced athletes.

WOD: Saturday

It’s predicted to rain on Saturday so we’re going to postpone our Beach workout until another weekend.  What better way to kick off rainy day than with a great workout!  We look forward to seeing you at training.

30 rounds for time of:
5 Wall Ball 9/6kg
1 Power Clean 100/70kg.
*Don’t let the HSPU and heavy cleans scare you off for this one. Simply scale back the difficulty and load relative to your ability and you’ve got a great workout for all levels of athlete.

U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Aaron N. Holleyman, 27, of Glasgow, Montana, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group, based in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, was killed on August 30, 2004, when his military vehicle hit an improvised explosive device in Khutayiah, Iraq. He is survived by his daughters Shelby and Erin, son Zachary, parents Ross and Glenda, and siblings Kelly and Daniel.


WOD: Friday

A. Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch + Full Snatch
*Discard the muscle snatch and then the power snatch as they become limiting.

B. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
KB Swing
*Perform 12 Toes to Kettlebell after each set of swings.

Get your teams together- Clash on the Coast registration is now open!

WOD: Thursday

Five super-sets:
Ring Dips/Box Dips
DB Reverse Lunge x 10 (per leg)
*Rest 2 min. between sets.
*Aim for at least 10 reps on the first set of dips – scale difficulty as needed.
*Choose your own load for the lunge.

10-1 Over the Shoulder
*Work with a partner, alternating sets.

WOD: Wednesday

A. EMOM x 12:
Strict Pull-ups/C2B Pull-ups

B. 5-7 efforts:
50m Farmers Carry (heavy)

WOD: Tuesday

*A reminder that as of today we have additional Open Gym sessions on Tuesday & Thursday. PM Session times will be 4:15pm, 5:15pm, Open Gym from 6:15pm – 7pm. This is a time for you to work additional skills, strength, etc. Guidance will be provided.

*Also, “Let’s Talk Nutrition – Females” will be on from 6:15pm.

A. 3RM Overhead Squat
This 3RM effort will set the benchmark for a 4 week focus on improving/increasing your OHS. Try not to miss this one please.

B. AMRAP in 10 min:
5 Toes to Bar
10 Squats
30 Double-unders