WOD: Friday
Five rounds, each for time of:
Row 400m
Run 400m
*Rest as necessary between rounds.
Five rounds, each for time of:
Row 400m
Run 400m
*Rest as necessary between rounds.
*Please note that 5:30 & 6:30am and 4:30 & 5:30pm session will run as 2 hour continuous blocks today to alleviate congestion on the rowers.
Please be aware of the workout standards for 19.1 if this is your 1st attempt and please leave enough time to complete your warm-up/workout/cooldown before the completion of the session.
An alternate workout for those that have already done 19.1 will be provided.
CrossFit Open 19.1
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
19 Wall Ball 9kg/10ft, 6kg/9ft
19 Calorie Row
Open workout 19.1
AMRAP in 15mins of:
19 Wall Ball 9/6kg 10″/9″
19 cal row
Apologies for the late post this is due to technical issues.
This is our favourite time of the year. The Open is all about community so come down and support your fellow athletes. If you need to be validated please stay around to judge for at least one other person. If you are not signed up for the Open be sure to still come in.
Athlete briefing at 7am – please don’t be late.
We will be working through in a heat style format. If you need to be out of the gym early be sure to put your name on an early heat.
10-1 reps for unbroken sets:
Bench Press
Gymastic Pull (Pull-up/Bar Muscle-up/Ring Muscle-up)
Rest as necessary between sets.