The WOD's

WOD: Thursday

*Happy Birthday Marie!!!

Open gym times today:
*We will have a programmed workout for anyone who is looking for guidance.

WOD: Wednesday

Open gym times today:
*We will have a programmed workout for anyone who is looking for guidance.

WOD: Monday

Come on in for the last workout of 2018.

8:00am – 9:00am

We have a great partnered WOD planned- so grab your friend and see you there!!!






Open Gym 27-29th Jan

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed some relaxing time with friends and family.

For those keen to train Tom will be taking Open Gym each day from 8:00am -9:00am.  A WOD will be provided, however you are welcome to come and do whatever you like during the scheduled times.  Please note: You are welcome to come along any time during the scheduled time but please ensure your workout has been completed by 9:00am.

We look forward to seeing you all soon.

Christmas Day

Merry Christmas to you all.

We hope you have a fantastic day surrounded by loved ones!

WOD: Monday

Open Gym between 8-9am today.

Come and get some credits before the inevitable binge on Christmas Day!

WOD: Saturday

After a hard workout yesterday lets have some fun.
Bring your water pistols and a change of clothes.

WOD: Friday

“The 12 Days of Christmas”
1. Front Squat 50/35kg
2. Power Cleans 50/35kg
3. Hand Release Push-up
4. Pull-ups
5. Deadlift 50/35kg
6. Toes to Bar
7. Ball Slams 12/9kg
8. Burpees
9. Goblet Squat 22.5/15kg
10. Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
11. Shuttle Run (10m)
12. Thrusters 50/35kg
*Performed in the order of 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1, 5-4-3-2-1 etc.

WOD: Thursday

A. Five sets x Ring Rows:
*Manipulate the difficulty to achieve 12-15 reps in rounds one. Maintain from there.

B. 10-1 reps for time of:
Slam Ball
Slam Ball Push 1 x 10m

WOD: Wednesday

In 3 minutes:
20 Push Jerk 40/30kg
20 Burpees (over the bar)
Max reps Deadlift 40/30kg

Rest 3 min.

In 3 minutes:
15 Push Jerk 60/40kg
15 Burpees (over the bar)
Max reps Deadlift 60/40kg

Rest 3 min.

In 3 minutes:
9 Push Jerk 80/50kg
9 Burpees (over the bar)
Max reps Deadlift 80/50kg