The WOD's
WOD: Saturday
WOD: Friday
WOD: Thursday
Five rounds, each for time of:
7 Single Arm DB Push Press (per side) 22.5/15kg
14 DB Snatch (alternating) 22.5/15kg
21 Reverse Lunge 22.5/15kg
*This is to be performed as an unbroken complex with a single dumbbell. The Snatch must be touch and go on the ground for rx’d.
*Rest as necessary between rounds.
Optional Finisher:
Run the big loop.
*Try to team up with a partner from your class to run with.
WOD: Wednesday
A. Strict Gymnastics Pulling
Choose from:
Strict Pull-ups
Rope Pull-ups
Legless Rope Climb (long socks for descent)
*More info on format will be given in class.
B. For time:
25 Double-unders
30 sec. plank
50 Double-unders
60 sec. plank
75 Double-unders
90 sec. plank
75 Double-unders
60 sec. plank
50 Double-unders
30 sec. plank
25 Double-unders
*Planks must be unbroken for rx’d.
WOD: Tuesday
WOD: Monday
WOD: Saturday
WOD: Friday
WOD: Thursday
Partner Workout
Ascend as far as possible in 20 minutes:
3 Slam Ball/Wall Ball 12/9kg
3 Toes to Bar
6 Slam Ball/Wall Ball
6 Toes to Bar
9 Slam Ball/Wall Ball
9 Toes to Bar
*Increment by 3 each round.
*Flow: While one partner performs the SBWB/Toes to Bar, the other will hold a plank. Once both partners have completed the round of 3’s, they will advance to the round of 6’s etc. Work must cease if the partner on the plank station breaks position.