The WOD's

WOD: Monday

AMRAP in 20 min:
7 Burpee Pull-ups (12″ above standing reach)
14 Box Step Overs 24/20″, 22.5/15kg
21 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg

WOD: Saturday

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Deadlift 1.5 x BW
Bench Press 1 x BW
Clean 0.75 x BW
Scaling: For the Deadlift and Bench Press, pick a weight that allows for an unbroken but challenging set of 10 in round 1. The cleans should be repeatable singles.

WOD: Friday

*Please note that we are running a reduced timetable today for the local holiday.

Session times will be:
3:30-4:15pm (Kids)
4:00-5:00pm (Open Gym)

Five, two minute rounds:
Row 400m
Max reps Double-unders
*Rest as close to 2 min. as possible (depending on class size).

WOD: Thursday

For time:
9 bar muscle-ups
10m Handstand walk
36 single leg squat
10m Handstand walk
9 bar muscle-ups
10m Handstand walk
45 single leg squat
10m Handstand walk
9 bar muscle-ups
10m Handstand walk
54 single leg squat
10m Handstand walk

*As always various scaling options will be available.

#Photo: Although she is off travelling, Renee will always be a huge part of our community. Just letting you know we are thinking of you Renee.

WOD: Wednesday

A. Front Squat 7-7-7
*Taken from the ground.
*Try to improve from last week’s effort.

B. Death by 10m
*Starts at 5 reps.

WOD: Tuesday

*We’ve got a few members already signed up for Duel at Desire. Safety in numbers!

Five rounds for max reps:
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 15/10kg
Strict Pull-up
*Move immediately from the shoulder press to the rig.
*Rest 3 minutes between rounds.

WOD: Monday

For time:
Two rounds of:
10 Snatch 60/40kg
12 Burpees (over the bar)
then, two rounds of:
10 Snatch 40/30kg
12 Burpees (over the bar)
*This is a version of regional event 4. For scaling, use a weight that allows for repeatable singles for the first two rounds and then, for the last two rounds, a weight that allows for batches of touch and go reps.

WOD: Friday

A. Front Squat 7-7-7
*The barbell is to be cleaned from the ground.

B. 100 Thrusters in as few sets as possible: 40/30kg
*10 min. time cap.
*Don’t be a cherry picker!

Picture: Chloe, Aleria and Tayla receiving their medals for the “Fittest 3″competition.

WOD: Thursday

Five rounds:
Heavy Sled Push 2 x 10m
Farmers Carry 2 x 25m
Row 20/16 Cal (sub 1 min.)
*Rest as necessary between exercises/rounds.