The WOD's

WOD: Monday

*Please don’t forget that Circuit Training and our new timetable starts today. See the post above for further details.

EMOM x 4:
5 Clean & Jerk
Rest 1 minute.
EMOM x 4:
4 Clean & Jerk
Rest 1 minute.
EMOM x 4:
3 Clean & Jerk
Rest 1 minute.
EMOM x 4:
2 Clean & Jerk
*Use the rest minute to increase weight.
*The 5, 4 & 3 rep rounds should be weights that can be performed “touch & go”. For the round of 2’s, this should be 2 x heavy singles in quick succession.

WOD: Friday

*Please don’t forget – timings for Friday are: 6am, 12pm, 4:30pm.

For time:
15 Bar Muscle-up
15 Deadlift 100/65kg
Run 1200m
12 Bar Muscle-up
12 Deadlift
Run 800m
9 Bar Muscle-up
9 Deadlift
Run 400m

WOD: Thursday

Five rounds, each for time of:
30 Ball Slams 12/9kg
20 Cal. Row
10 Snatch 50/35kg

*Rest as necessary between rounds.

Great to see so many people back into the swing of it.
Please read the notices above “New Year, New Things”.

Session times for today are:
6am, 12pm, 4:30pm & 5:30pm.

It is great to see everyone had a fabulous festive season- now it is time to get back on track. We look forward to seeing you.

WOD: Wednesday

We hope you all enjoyed your time with family and friends. Time to get back on track with training and nutrition. We look forward to seeing your smiling faces.

EMOM for 20 minutes:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

*Please note reduced session times for this week. Today’s sessions are 6am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm.

WOD: Tuesday

Five x 3 minute rounds:
Run 400m
Max effort burpees
#Rest 1 minute between rounds.

Please note# The gym will open tomorrow at 6am on a reduced time table. We will post full details when we get home this afternoon. We look forward to seeing you all.

WOD: Saturday

A. Tabata Intervals
8 x 20sec work/10sec rest
Pick 3-4 body weight movements eg. Burpees, Pull-ups, Sit-ups, Squats

B. Death by 20m shuttle run

Complete 1 x 20m shuttle on first minute, 2 x 20m shuttles on second minute… continue until you can no longer get required shuttle runs out in the minute.

WOD: Friday

Run/Swim/Ride or Row (Your choice) for 30 minutes.

Keep the effort level consistent throughout.

WOD: Thursday

Death by Push-ups
Continue on with death by Jump Squats.

Minute 1 complete 1 Push-up/rest remainder of minute. Min 2, 2 push-ups rest remainder of minute. Continue until you can no longer complete required repetitions in the minute. Change to jump squats and continue on with repetitiin. Eg 9 of 10 Push-ups, start jump squats at 11 reps.

#Advanced athletes increase jump squat repetitions by 2 each round.

Goodbye and best wishes Renee.

WOD: Wednesday

Join Tanya Ralph for this one in the park.
Best of luck to Renee who is off to Europe on Thursday. We love you Renee and will miss you.

Individual or partnered conplete:
100m walking lunge
100 burpees (jump over partner holding plank)
100 Sit-ups
100 x 10m Shuttle run

#Add weight to movements as equipment allows. Overheas Walking lunge 15/20kg, Medicine ball sit-ups.

Check Facebook members page to confirm details of timings and location (Double Bay at 7am?).