The WOD's

WOD: Saturday

Join us at 7am to hit hero WOD Murph. In preparation for the workout please ensure you are hydrated. We also recommend you have magnesium.


For time:
Run 1 mile (1.6km)
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squats
Run 1 mile (1.6km)

*Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed.
*If you’ve got a 14/20-lb vest or body armor, wear it.

Multiple scaling options will be available to suit all levels.

WOD: Friday

In 30 minutes complete:
Two rounds, each movement for time (Go all out!!):
Row 1km
Echo Bike 1km
Ski Erg 500m
* Record total work time. Rest as needed between efforts.

B. Mobility

Photo: Congratulations to our baby girl @ChloeSaliba06 officially punching her ticket to the CrossFit Teen Games 2024.

WOD: Thursday

Four rounds for time:
Farmers Carry 50 (2 x 24/16kg)
Run 200m
Deadball Front Carry 50m (45/35kg)
Run 200m
Overhead Plate Carry 50m (20/15kg) *
Run 200m

*Advanced athletes 2 x Dumbbells (22.5/15kg)

WOD: Wednesday

Ten rounds for time:
7 Toes to bar
14 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
30 Double-unders

Photo: We are missing Kim & Mark but wish them a huge success with their Charity night in Japan (this Friday). In memory of their beautiful son Tyler – Kim & Mark Co-founded The Tyler foundation now known as Shine on Kids . They both epitomize that love and positivity can be drawn from the darkest of times and continue to do amazing things for children with cancer (and their families) throughout Japan.

WOD: Tuesday

A. Front Squats 5-5-5-5-5 (From Ground)

B. AMRAP in 12 minutes:
5/3 Strict Pull-ups
15/10 Push-ups
5 Front Squats 60/40kg

*Advanced athletes Chest to bar/or weighted pull-ups

WOD: Monday

Five rounds:
10 Sandbag over shoulder
15 Parallette facing Burpees
10 X 12m Shuttle Runs

Photo: Proud parents. Chloe & Jesse taking 1st & 2nd at Torian Pro over the weekend. The overall placement is great however it was their attitude, efforts, determination and choices that we are most proud of. Your success was a combination of all of this - you should be immensely proud of yourselves.
To the best support crew we could ask for- we are beyond grateful 🥲 Your over the top cheering, dancing and singing brings a smile to both of the kids faces. They always feel your love. Xoxo


GYM IS CLOSED SATURDAY due to Chloe & Jesse competing at the Torian Pro.
We thank you for your understanding.
Here is a workout to complete from home or better still meet up at the park – Check Facebook members page for details.

A. 10 minutes: Handstand skills:
Holds/walks/shoulder taps/obstacles, etc.

B. AMRAP in 15 minutes:
20m Bearcrawl (2 x 10m)
3 Wall Walks or 18 Feet Elevated shoulder taps (touching same shoulder)*
10 x 10m Shuttle Run
6 V-ups

*If a wall is not available, elevate the feet to a challenging effort -6 Shoulder taps per Wall Walk.

Option C: Meet up at the box.
Two rounds, each for time:
On a 15 minute cycle (I.e 0 & 15minutes):
Run 1.6km (Bridge and back)

Post your results to Facebook members page.

WOD: Friday

REMINDER: GYM CLOSED SATURDAY due to Chloe & Jesse competing at the CrossFit Torian Pro.
Check the Facebook Members page for updates on how they are going.

20 minute AMRAP of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 Pistols (alternating)
15 Pull-ups

Photo: Let the fun begin... @TorianPro2024
Chloe & Jesse are ready!!!

WOD: Thursday

Working with a partner:
0-4 minutes:
4+ cycles (light load)
3 Snatch
Rest 1 minute
5-9 minutes
4+ cycles (moderate load)
2 Snatch
Rest 1 minute
10-20 minute
1 Snatch (Build/hold load as movement quality dictates)

B: Partner WOD:
40 Snatch for time.
*Share work anyhow
10 minute cap.

Beginner: Working from Hang. 5 rounds x 3 reps.

Photo: We are sad to be saying farewell to Henning this week as he heads back to Europe. It has been wonderful having you with us and you will definitely be missed. We hope your next adventure brings great things your way. Be sure to keep us posted and what comes your way. xoxo

WOD: Wednesday

Five round for reps:
Max Dumbbell Push Press (Guide 15+ reps first set)
Max Pull-ups/Ring Rows
Rest 3 minutes

*Choose a pull movement allowing for approx. same reps as push press on first round.

Photo: A shout out to Russ who completed the 10km run in the Rocky River Run over the weekend.

Russ and quite a crew completing the Sunshine Coast half marathon in the coming months. Add your name to the list if you are keen to challenge yourself.