The WOD's

WOD: Tuesday

EMOM x 21:
1. 50m Farmers Carry 2 x 24/16kg
2. Max Burpees (onto plate)
3. 30 sec. Plank

WOD: Monday

*Well done to all of our ladies who competed over the weekend. Also a big thanks to everyone who went along to offer support!

Ascend for 20 minutes:
1 Front Squat
10/7 Push-ups
Run 100m
*Add 1 Front Squat per round.
*Load is up to you – aim to complete the round of ten inside the 20 minutes.

WOD: Saturday

*Don’t forget that a bunch of our ladies are competing at CrossFit Contessa in Maroochydore tomorrow – please head over and show your support!

Four rounds:
Sled Push 2 x 10m
Farmers Carry 4 x 10m
Bear Crawl 6 x 10m
Slam Ball Put and Take 8 x 10m
*This is not for time. The aim is to work/rest about 1:1. Go heavy!


WOD: Friday

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Hang Power Clean 60/40kg
Hand Release Push-ups (x 2)

WOD: Thursday

A. EMOM x 10: (choose one)
Supported Handstand Hold
Unsupported Handstand Hold
Handstand Walk

B. Turkish Get-up
*Build to a heavy triple.

WOD: Wednesday

For time:
100 DB Snatch 22.5/15kg
100 Wall Ball 9/6kg
100 Ball Slam 12/9kg
100 T2KB
*You may partition the reps anyhow.

WOD: Tuesday

Shoulder to Overhead: 30-20-10-5 reps
*Each set is scored by load.
*Rest as necessary between sets.

Optional Finisher:
Row 2km

WOD: Monday

Five x 3 min. AMRAP:
3 Deadlift 100/65kg
6 Box Jumps 24/20″
9 Ball Slams 12/9kg
*Rest 1 min after each 3 min.

WOD: Saturday

A reminder that Yoga is on this morning at 8am.

Two rounds for reps:
0-5 min:
Run 400m
Max Partner Wall Ball 9/6kg
5-10 min:
Run 400m
Max Partner Burpee
10-15 min:
Run 400m
Max Partner Sit-up

WOD: Friday

For time:
30 Front Squat 60/40kg
Run 400m
20 Front Squat 80/55kg
Run 400m
10 Front Squat 100/70kg
Run 400m
*Bar must be cleaned off the ground every 5 reps.
*Sub 200 skips if wet weather.