The WOD's

WOD: Tuesday

A. Power Clean + Full Clean
*Build over the course of 7-10 sets.

B. Ascend for 7 minutes:
10 Russian KB Swing 24/16kg
20 Double-unders
20 Russian KB Swing
40 Double-unders
30 Russian KB Swing
60 Double-unders
40 Russian KB Swing
80 Double-unders

WOD: Monday

For time:
Row 1200m
12 rounds of:
8 C2B Pull-ups
12 Squats
*As always, various scaling options will be provided.
*Scale up by wearing a weight vest.

WOD: Friday

21-15-9 reps for load:
Power Clean
*Reps must be touch and go – no dumping.


WOD: Thursday

Complete 3 cycles:
10 x 10m Sled Push
Max. L-sit (60 sec.)
500m Row
10 x 10m Slam Ball Put and Take
*Rest as necessary between exercises.
*Record slowest times for sled push, row & put and take.
*Record total time in L-sit.


WOD: Wednesday

Two rounds for time
10 Shoulder Press 50/32.5kg
10 Toes to Bar
15 Push Press 50/32.5kg
15 Toes to Bar
20 Push Jerk 50/32.5kg
20 Toes to Bar

WOD: Tuesday

A. Front Squat 10-10-10
*Taken from the ground.

B. Four rounds for time:
25 Wall Ball 9/6kg
50 Double-unders

WOD: Monday

A. EMOM x 10:
Strict Pull-ups
*Your choice for reps.

B. Opposing Ladder 10/1 reps of:
Deadlift 100/65kg
Burpees (over the bar)

WOD: Saturday

I think a pairs/team workout is in order. The nature of which will depend on how many smiling faces we see in the morning!

WOD: Friday

A. Drop Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat
*Build in weight.
*Discard movements as they become the limiting factor.

B. Three rounds for time of:
30 Lunges 24/16kg
30 Toes to Kettlebell
*Lunges: KB held in the overhead position with a single arm. Swap at rep 15.