The WOD's

WOD: Wednesday

In 3 minutes:
50 Double-unders
30 Deadlift 60/40kg
Max reps Dips

Rest 3 min.

In 3 minutes:
50 Double-unders
20 Deadlift 80/55kg
Max reps Dips

Rest 3 min.

In 3 minutes:
50 Double-unders
10 Deadlift 100/70kg
Max reps Dips

Rest 3 min.

In 3 minutes:
50 Double-unders
5 Deadlift 120/85kg
Max reps Dips


WOD: Tuesday

Three rounds for time of:
40 Wall Ball 9/6kg
30 Box Jump Overs 24/20″
60 sec. Flexed Arm Hang

WOD: Monday

A. Clean + Push Press + Jerk
*Build in weight over 15 min.

B. 5 min:
Max reps KB Swings.
*10 Burpees each time you break.


WOD: Saturday

For time :
Run to Kawana Way overpass.
100 Step-ups (on concrete step under overpass)
Run Back to Gym
100m Bear Crawl

*Click on the post to see an enlarged picture of the route and distance of the run.

WOD: Friday

AMRAP in 20 min:
15 Deadlift 60/40kg
15 Toes to Kettlebell
15 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
15 Ball Slam 12/9kg

WOD: Thursday

Ten rounds for time of:
3 Front Squats 85/60kg
1 Pull-up
1 C2B Pull-up
1 Bar Muscle-up
*Front Squat are via a clean.
*As always, various scaling options will be provided.

WOD: Wednesday

EMOM x 30 minutes:
1. 20/15 cal row
2. Rest
3. 14 x 10m shuttle run
4. Rest
5. Max reps Burpees (6″ jump)
6. Rest

WOD: Tuesday

A. Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5

B. Three rounds For time:
50 Squats
100 Double-unders

WOD: Monday

Please note due to the public holiday our normal session times are cancelled. We will have an Open Gym session from 3-4pm. Hope to see you there.

WOD: Saturday

Today’s workout is at the Kawana Pool – please be at the pool and ready to train at 7.30am.

Please get behind this session as Renee has kindly offered to share her knowledge on swimming and has a great workout planned. We promise you won’t be cold!