The WOD's

WOD: Monday

A. Back Squat 8-8-8-8

B. Max Burpees in 7 min.
*6 inch jump and touch.
*Gym record – 134 reps.

WOD: Saturday

10 x 2 min rounds:
Run 200m
Max reps (see below)
1. Front Squat
2. Push Press
3. Thruster
4. Overhead Squat
5. Hang Snatch
6. Front Squat
7. Push Press
8. Thruster
9. Overhead Squat
10. Hang Snatch

WOD: Friday

10-1 reps for time of:
Hang Power Clean 70/50kg
Deadlift 70/50kg
Box Jump 24/20″

WOD: Thursday

A. Six Sets:
Lunges 8-10 per leg.
Dips (max reps)
*Use DB’s or KB’s for loading the lunges.
*Add weight to the Dips if you can do 12 or more.
*Perform as a super-set.

B. Mobility Circuit

WOD: Wednesday

0-5 min:
EMOM: Double-unders
5-10 min:
Run 800m
10-15 min:
EMOM: Ball Slams
15-20 min:
Run 800m
20-25 min:
EMOM: Toes to Bar
25-30 min:
Run 800m
*For each of the EMOM’s it’s your choice of reps. These reps must be maintained for each of the five rounds to count.
*Your score is the total of the reps you choose for each EMOM. Eg. 40-20-12 = 72.
*Each 800m run must be completed within the allotted time.

WOD: Tuesday

6-9-12-9-6 reps for time of:
Burpees (over the bar)
Front Squats 85/55kg
Chest-to-bar pull-ups

WOD: Monday

A. Shoulder Press, Push Press, Push Jerk (1-2-3)
Push Press, Push Jerk (1-2)
Push Jerk (1)

B. 100 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
*5 Burpees at the start of each minute.

WOD: Saturday

Prior to 8:00, complete:
3 rounds of:
6 chest-to-bar pull-ups
6 squat cleans 40/30kg
Then, 3 rounds of:
7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
5 squat cleans 60/42.5kg
*Prior to 12:00, complete 3 rounds of:
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
4 squat cleans 80/55kg
*Prior to 16:00, complete 3 rounds of:
9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
3 squat cleans 100/67.5kg
*Prior to 20:00, complete 3 rounds of:
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
2 squat cleans 120/80kg




WOD: Friday

*Please note session timings are back to normal from the 9.15am Circuit session today.

A. Shoulder Press 6 x 8-10
*Rest strictly 90 sec. between sets.

B. Three rounds for time:
25 Push-ups
40 Overhead Squats 20/15kg

WOD: Thursday

Update: The gym is closed for todays 5/6pm sessions and tomorrow’s 5/6am sessions due to weather warnings. Please check back tomorrow for updates.

Two rounds for reps:
4 min: Row (cal)
Rest 1 min.
4 min: Burpee (6″ Jump)
Rest 1 min.
4 min: 20″ Box Step Over 15/10kg
Rest 1 min.