The WOD's

Monday – Gym Closed

Please note that the gym is closed for the Easter long weekend. Classes will resume as normal at 5am on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend!

Saturday – No Class Today

Please note that the gym is closed for the Easter long weekend. Classes will resume as normal at 5am on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend!

Good Friday

Please note that the gym is closed for the Easter long weekend. Classes will resume as normal at 5am on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend!

WOD: Thursday

A. 10 sets: 1 Hang Clean Pull + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Clean
*Either maintain and improve technique or build in weight across the sets.
*Rest as necessary between sets.

B. EMOM x 7:
20 Lateral Jumps (over Barbell)
Max rep Hang Power Clean 50/35kg

WOD: Wednesday

A. EMOM x 10: 1 Turkish Get-up (per side)

B. EMOM x 10: L-sit/L-hang/Plank

WOD: Tuesday

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

WOD: Monday

A. Back Squat 8-8-8-8

B. Max Burpees in 7 min.
*6 inch jump and touch.
*Gym record – 134 reps.

WOD: Saturday

10 x 2 min rounds:
Run 200m
Max reps (see below)
1. Front Squat
2. Push Press
3. Thruster
4. Overhead Squat
5. Hang Snatch
6. Front Squat
7. Push Press
8. Thruster
9. Overhead Squat
10. Hang Snatch

WOD: Friday

10-1 reps for time of:
Hang Power Clean 70/50kg
Deadlift 70/50kg
Box Jump 24/20″

WOD: Thursday

A. Six Sets:
Lunges 8-10 per leg.
Dips (max reps)
*Use DB’s or KB’s for loading the lunges.
*Add weight to the Dips if you can do 12 or more.
*Perform as a super-set.

B. Mobility Circuit