The WOD's

WOD: Thursday

A. Five supersets:
Bench Press 12-15reps (Dumbbell)
Pendlay Row 10-12 reps (Barbell)
*Rest between rounds
*Maintain load across sets

B. Partner workout
For time:
7 x 200m Row/Run/Ski or 400m Bike
Plank while partners works
(7 rounds each)

WOD: Wednesday

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
6 Deadlift 80/50kg
8 Burpees
Run 100m

Photo: Our Masters League crew smashed it over the weekend-
Congratulations to Robbie taking 1st place on all workouts.

WOD: Tuesday

A. 5 Rounds:
in 2 minutes:
3-5 Wall Walks
10 Thrusters *

Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
*Choose a heavy load that allows for completion of reps within time frame.
*Advanced athletes 5 wall walks

B. Death by Gymnastic Pull
1 rep on 1st minute, rest remainder of minute,
2 reps on 2nd minute, rest remainder of minute..
Continue with formation until you can no longer achieve required repetitions within the minute.
*Work any style of pull that provides appropriate challenge for your ability with aim to achieve 8-10 rounds.

Scale: EMOM x 10: ‘X’ Gymnastic Pull

Photo: We are missing Kim & Mark but are so happy they are meeting fellow CrossFitters @Crossfitsouthhills.

Labor Day

Come and join us from 4:00-5:00pm for a WOD or any time from 4:00-5:30pm for Open Gym.

A huge Congratulations to our athletes that competed at the CrossFit Masters League Invitational over the weekend. Get ready for some competition spam!!
Thank you to our crew who went along to support, cheer and take photos so the rest of us could be kept up to date.

WOD: Saturday

Both 7am & 8am sessions are on. Please book in via Mindbody.

Wishing our Masters League crew all the best for today- Michael, Bodo, Penny, Jo, Robbie.

For time:
60 Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
560m Run
60 Dumbbell Overhead Squats 22.5/15kg
560m Run
60 Dumbbell Front rack Lunge 22.5/15kg
560m Run

*Advanced athletes:
DB Snatch (2 x 15reps (left/Right)
DB OHS 30 left/30 right
DB Lunge 30 left/30 right

Photo: Luke dominating the rower during the Open.
Thank you Luke for everything you do for our community – you go above and beyond for our crew. We are so very grateful.

WOD: Friday

A. Deadlift 5 x 7 reps
*Aim to use weight from previous Deadlift effort (5×5 reps)

B. For time:
10 Shoulder Press 55/37.5kg *
Farmers Carry 100m (2 x 24/16kg)
75 Double-unders
20 Push Press 55/37.5kg
Farmers Carry 100m (2 x 24/16kg)
75 Double-unders
30 Push Jerk 55/37.5kg
Farmers Carry 100m (2 x 24/16kg)
75 Double-unders

WOD: Thursday

For max repetitions:
8 rounds - 30seconds on/30seconds off.
Wall Ball
Rest 1 minute
Box Step-ups (2 x 15/10kg Dumbbell)
Rest 1 minute
Max Burpees (Jump & Touch)
Rest 1 minute

Score= Total reps for each movement + Grand tally

B. Option:
1. EMOM X 10: 'X' Pull-ups
2. Mobility

WOD: Wednesday

For time:
40/30cal row or bike*
5 Rounds:
1 Bar Muscle-up
2 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
3 Toes to Bar,
2 minute plank
5 Rounds:
1 Power Clean 60/40kg
2 Shoulder to Overhead 60/40kg
3 Front Squats 60/40kg,
2 minute plank
40/30 cal bike or row*

*Every time you break during the 5 rounds (Gymnastic complex or Barbell Complex) complete 30 second plank.
*Start and finish on opposite machine.

Photo: Michael receiving 2nd place at Masters HQ. Well done Champion!!!

WOD: Tuesday

Two rounds for reps:
3:00 minutes Toes to Bar
3:00 minutes Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
3:00 minutes Pistols/Goblet Lunge
*Run 400m at the start of each effort.

*Sub run with 250 skips if light is an issue.

Photo: Deb on the podium receiving 2nd prize.

WOD: Monday

A. For max repetitions in 10 minutes:
10 Cleans (Weight 1)
Rest 1 minute
10 Cleans (Weight 2)
Rest 1 minute
10 Cleans (Weight 3)
Rest 1 minute
Max Cleans (Weight 4)
*Advanced: W1:60/40kg, W2:75/52.5kg, W3:90/65kg, W4:105/72.5kg
Intermediate: W1: 50/35kg, W2:62.5/42.5kg, W3:75/50kg, W4:87.5/57.5kg

B. Optional
Choose an Option
1. Strength: Front Squats 4 x 10 reps (hold load)
2. Cardio: 3 x 500m Row/1000m Bike (Maintain fastest repeatable pace across all sets)

Photo: Luke on the podium at Masters HQ recently. Congratulations to Michael, Deb & Luke- All taking 2nd place. Epic effort!!!
Photos of other athletes to come.