The WOD's

WOD: Friday

Open Gym Format.

These will run as continuous sessions so you can turn up anytime. Please be mindful to allocate enough time to complete your workout prior to the end of the session.
As always we will have some suggestions if you are unsure of what to do.

Hope to see you there.

WOD: Thursday

Awesome work to all of those that completed the “12 days of Christmas” yesterday. We saw some really inspiring efforts. We think a recovery day may be required for quite a few of you.

Tomorrow will be an Open Gym format.

These will be run as continuous sessions so you can turn up anytime. Please be mindful to allocate enough time to complete your workout prior to the end of the session.
As always we will have some suggestions if you are unsure of what to do.

Hope to see you there.

WOD: Wednesday

“The 12 Days of Christmas”
1. Snatch 50/35kg
2. C2B Pull-up
3. Dips
4. Power Cleans 50/35kg
5. Burpee
6. Toes to Bar
7. Front Squat 50/35kg
8. Hand Release Push-ups
9. Calorie Row
10. Deadlift 50/35kg
11. Pull-ups
12. OHS
*For those of you who are new to this workout, it is performed as per the song. 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1, 5-4-3-2-1 etc.
*We won’t be imposing a cut off, so if you’re keen to finish the workout you are welcome to run into the next session.
*Please be well hydrated for this long workout!

WOD: Tuesday

A. Pick one of the following:
1. EMOM x 10: Pull-ups/Muscle-up
2. 5 x max reps unbroken Pull-ups/Muscle-up
3. 100 Pull-ups/30 Muscle-ups for time
*Either repeat last week’s choice and try to improve, or try a different option.

B. AMRAP in 8 min:
Max effort L-sit.
*Run 100m each time you break.

WOD: Monday

For time:
100 Thrusters 40/30kg
*50 Double-unders each time you break.
*You may only rest in the overhead and front rack positions.

WOD: Saturday

Fun with Renee!
For time:
50m Sled Push
400m Run (w/slam ball 12/9kg)
100m Bear Crawl
200m Farmers Carry 32/24kg KB’s
200m Overhead Carry 20/15kg weight plate
50 Burpees
400m Run (w/slam ball 12/9kg)
50 Toes to Kettlebell
50 Fat Bar Power Cleans 40/30kg
*Perform in any order, however you must complete all reps of your chosen task before moving on.

WOD: Friday

For time:
Run 1600m
50 Power Snatch 35/25kg
Run 1600m
*Power Snatch are to be performed in “batches” of touch and go reps.

WOD: Thursday

A. Pick one of the following:
1. EMOM x 10: Pull-ups/Muscle-up
2. 5 x max reps unbroken Pull-ups/Muscle-up
3. 100 Pull-ups/30 Muscle-ups for time

B. L-sit: Accumulate as much time as possible in 5 min.

WOD: Wednesday

AMRAP in 3 min. of:
3 Power Clean 60/40kg
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
*Rest for 1 min. and repeat for five cycles.
*Compare to last time – here.

WOD: Tuesday

A. Front Squat 10-8-6-4-2

B. Three rounds for time of:
10 Thrusters 50/35kg
50 Lateral Jumps (over barbell)