The WOD's

WOD: Monday

Thanks to everyone who joined in for the festivities at the Christmas party! We had a great night and hope you did too!

A. Four sets x max. reps strict pull-ups.
*Rest 2 min. between sets.
*Add weight if your first set is 10/7 or more.

B. Three rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
12 Toes to Bar

WOD: Saturday

In teams of 3, 4 or 5:
500 Burpees for time (onto a 10kg plate)
*Burpee sets must be at least 10 and no more than 20.
*Run or row 200m after each set of Burpees.
*One team member performing burpees at a time.

I will be commencing my 500 burpees at the same time as the class with the goal of keeping up with as many teams as possible. Afterwards, please hang around for the BBQ breakfast supplied by the Nautical Roofing Crew!

Chris’s 500 burpee breakdown times:
100- 6.17
200- 14.31
300- 23.09
400 – 33.32
500- 43.30

WOD: Friday

Partner Workout:
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlift 100/65kg
Flexed Arm Hang
*While partner A performs 21 DL, partner B must hold the FAH. Upon completion of 21 DL the athletes will swap positions and parnter B will perform 21 DL while partner A holds the FAH. This format continues through the 15’s and 9’s. DL’s may only be performed while the ahtlete on the FAH is in position.

WOD: Thursday

AMRAP in 3 min:
15 Hang Power Clean 40/30kg
15 Push Jerk 40/30kg
Max reps Kettlebell Swing 24/16kg

Rest 3 min.

AMRAP in 3 min:
12 Hang Power Clean 50/35kg
12 Push Jerk 50/35kg
Max reps Kettlebell Swing 24/16kg

Rest 3 min.

AMRAP in 3 min:
9 Hang Power Clean 60/40kg
9 Push Jerk 60/40kg
Max reps Kettlebell Swing 24/16kg

WOD: Wednesday

Tabata x 8:
Row (cal.)
Toes to Bar
Shuttle Run 10m
Abmat Sit-up
*Rest 1 min. between exercises.

WOD: Tuesday

Five rounds for load/time:
12 Front Squat (taken from ground)
12 Bar Facing Burpee

WOD: Monday

Ten rounds for time of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Run 200m

WOD: Friday

A. Bench Press 10-10-10-10
*Use the heaviest weight possible for each set.

B. 30-20-10 reps for time of:
Hand Release Push-ups
Unbroken Wall Ball 9/6kg

WOD: Thursday

AMRAP in 20mins:
Sled Push
Row (cal.)
Walking Lunge
Fat Bar Deadlift 60/40kg
*Your reps per exercise will be determined by a target throw. 5 reps is the minimum, 25 reps is the maximum.