The WOD's

WOD: Saturday

Both 7am & 8am sessions will be running. Please book in via Mindbody.

3 Rounds for time:
60 Double-unders
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerk 22.5/15kg (Left)
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerk 22.5/15kg (Right)
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Rest 3 minutes
1 Round for time:
180 Double-unders
60 Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerk 22.5/15kg (Swapping sides every 10 reps)
30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Photo: Three Teen representatives during the CrossFit Quarterfinals- Chloe, Jesse & Ella.
To say we are proud of these 3 would be an understatement!! You are already absolute champions and only more great things to come your way.
Their final stage to the CrossFit Games & Teen Pit Throw down starts on the 8th May. Here we come USA!!!

WOD: Friday

A. Partner workout (not for time)
Seven rounds
Partner 1:
10 Dumbbell Thrusters (unbroken)*
10-15 Parallette facing burpees
Partner 2: Run 360m, Row 360m or Bike 700m
*Start light with focus on quality of movement. Increase/hold load as movement quality allows/

B. Optional (Not coached)
EMOM x 10
‘X’ Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups *
*Advanced athletes weighted strict pull-ups x 3reps.

Photo: Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhotos for being Chloe’s personal photographer. Xo


Sunshine Coast ANZAC Day Services
The meaning of ANZAC

This is a time to honor our fallen soldiers who fought for our freedoms.
In CrossFit style we do this with a hero WOD – Join Dob at 9:15am.

(Australian Hero Games WOD)
Three rounds for time:
21 Pull-ups
15 Push Press 60/40kg *
9 Deadlifts 100/60kg
400m Run

Background: This hero WOD is dedicated to LCPL Marks who was serving with the Special Operations Task Group when he was killed during deliberate operations against a Taliban Safe Haven on 27 April 2008 in Afghanistan. We first found the workout posted by @australianherogames.

Note: The Rx push press weight was written on the source site as 60/30kg for men/women. But what we show here is typical Rx women’s weights for a 60kg men’s push press, which is 40kg.

WOD: Wednesday

Five rounds, each for time on a 5 minute cycle:
3 Wall Walks
6 Hang Dumbbell Snatch (Left Hand) 22.5/15kg *
6 Hang Dumbbell Snatch (Right Hand) 22.5/15kg *
12 Toes to Bar
48 Double unders

Start each cycle at 0-5-10-15-20 minutes. Rest until the start of next cycle.
*Advanced athletes go heavier for unbroken snatch efforts.

Photo: Thank you to @GrantWilliamsPhotos for capturing Jesse in beast mode.
Jesse is working hard with the goal of securing his place for the Teen Pit Throw Down in Michigan, USA at the end of August.

WOD: Tuesday

Five rounds for time:
15 Wall Ball 9/6kg
15 Power Cleans 42.5/30kg

Photo: Congratulations to our Quarterfinals crew who have been battling it out over the past few days (4 WODS – 6 Days).
Thank you to @GrantWilliamsPhotos for capturing.
Love this one of Deb.

WOD: Monday

A. Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5 *Aim for a 5RM

B. 12 minute AMRAP:
5/3 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups
15/10 Hand release Push-ups
20 Alternating Lunge

Photo: Congratulations to our team competing at the Fittest 4 on Saturday.
Luke B, Amie, Paula & Bodo – What a bunch of legends!!!!

WOD: Saturday

There will be one 7am session. Please book in via Mindbody.
Best of luck to our team competing at Fittest 4 – Luke B, Paula, Bodo & Amie.
If you are around over the weekend drop into show your support.

For time
6 minute Hang Hold (Cumulative)
Each time you drop from the bar, perform:
800m Run
30 Push-ups

WOD: Friday

A. 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk *Build in load

B. 5 x 2:00 minutes rounds:
Row 300/250, Bike 700/600m, Ski Erg 300/250m
Max Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead 2 x 22.5/15kg
Rest 2 minutes.

Photo: We do things a little differently at Coastal CrossFit 😉

WOD: Thursday

A. Warm-up- technique focus
1 Squat Clean *Build in load
Superset with
2 x 2-3 Gymnastic pulls
(Eg. Kip swings, kip pull-ups, Chest to bar pull-ups, Bar Muscle-ups, Ring Muscle-ups)

3 Rounds for time:
5 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Squat Cleans 60/42.5kg
20 Box Jumps

Photo: Some reminiscing about this time last year. Chloe competed at her first International Weightlifting competition which happened to be the World Championships :O then we stayed in Albania for Chloe to complete the Quarterfinals. We have so many amazing memories of this trip and will be eternally grateful for the friends we made @alpha_crossfit @spartan_albania for doing everything they could to help our girl. The CrossFit community is amazing!!!
Let the Quarterfinals begin….

WOD: Wednesday

A. Not for time:
Deadlift 5 x 5 (working on egg shells/No dumping – using approx. 80% of weight from previous Deadlift test)
Superset with
‘X’ Push-ups (Focus on core position throughout every rep) *

B. Partner workout
EMOM x 10 minutes:
Bike 30on/30off