The WOD's
WOD: Saturday
For total reps:
4 Minutes of Wall Ball 9/6kg
4 Minutes of Burpees
3 Minutes of Wall Ball
3 Minutes of Burpees
2 Minutes of Wall Ball
2 Minutes of Burpees
*The four minutes of wall ball will start at 10 minutes on a running clock. You have from 0-10 min. to complete a 2km run. If you run takes longer than 10 minutes it will cut into your wall ball time, thus reducing your score.
WOD: Friday
*Well done to Orla who recently completed a 50km trail run with only general CrossFit programming as her preparation. Awesome work!
A. Deadlift: Work to a heavy set of 5
*Re-grip/reset between each rep. No dumping.
B. Partner Workout
Ascend as far as possible in 10 minutes:
2 Toes to Bar
Top of Deadlift Hold 100/65kg
*One partner hold the barbell while the other performs toes to bar.
*Add 2 T2B per round.
WOD: Thursday
WOD: Wednesday
Ascend as far as possible in 20 minutes:
25 Front Squat 60/40kg
Run 400m
20 Front Squat 70/47.5kg
Run 400m
15 Front Squat 80/55kg
Run 400m
10 Front Squat 90/62.5kg
Run 400m
5 Front Squat 100/67.5kg
Run 400m
*Bars are to be taken from the ground.
*Work back in reverse order if you finish inside 20 minutes.
WOD: Tuesday
WOD: Monday
Saturday – Gym Closed
Please note that the gym is closed today. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Here is a workout you can do from home.
For time:
Run 1200m
100 Squats
50 Burpees
100 Squats
Run 1200m
WOD: Friday
WOD: Thursday
With a running clock:
0-10 minutes
Three rounds for time of:
10 Hang Power Clean 40/30kg
10 Lateral Burpees
10-20 minutes
Two rounds for time of:
15 Hang Power Clean 50/35kg
15 Lateral Burpees
20 minutes until completion
One round for time of:
30 Hang Power Clean 60/40kg
30 Lateral Burpees
*WOD stolen and modified from Comptrain.