The WOD's

WOD: Wednesday

Perform each of the following challenges three times:
10 x 10m Sled Push
500m Row
10 x 20m Slam Ball Put and Take
20m Handstand Walk/40m Wheelbarrow walk.
*Perform in any order and rest as necessary between challenges.
*Each challenge is for time. Your total at the end is your score.

WOD: Tuesday

Seven x 90 second rounds:
12 Toes to Bar
40 Double-unders
Max reps Dips
*Rest 90 seconds between rounds.
*Perform a 30 second plank during the rest break.

WOD: Monday

10-1 reps for time of:
Clean (squat) 70/45kg
Burpee Pull-up (12″ jump)

WOD: Saturday

Partner Workout:
Five rounds for time of:
Fireman’s carry 100m
15 Partner Burpees
Fireman’s carry 100m
15 Partner Wall Ball 9/6kg

WOD: Friday

*Check out the attached video!!!

A. Snatch – work to a heavy 1.1.
*Any style of snatch is acceptable.

B. Three cycles of:
EMOM x 5:
2-4-6-8-10 touch and go Power Snatch.
*Increase weight each cycle.

WOD: Wednesday

For time:
30 Jumping Pull-ups (12″ jump)
45 Toes to Bar
60 Deadlift 100/70kg
45 Toes to Bar
30 Jumping Pull-ups

WOD: Tuesday

Overhead Squat 30-20-10-5 reps
*Each set is for load.
*Rest as necessary between sets.

Optional Finisher:
AMRAP in 6 min:
*Perform 10 Burpees each time you break.

WOD: Monday

*We’re back to full timetable this week!

AMRAP in 20 min of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
2 Hang Power Cleans 60/40kg
*Increment the reps on the HPC by 2 each round.

WOD: Saturday

For time:
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters 20/15kg
30 Pull-ups