The WOD's

WOD: Tuesday

A. 10 rounds of:
1 Squat Snatch (increment in load each cycle as movement allows)
Run 100m
*12 minute cap.

B. Partner workout:
100 Overhead Squats for time/load:
Each partner completes 7 Overhead Squats *
*10 minute cap.
* Choose a load that allows for 7 unbroken reps.

WOD: Monday

EMOM x 40 minutes (For completion)
Min 1: 10 x 10m Shuttle Run
Min 2: 50m Farmers Carry (2 x Dumbbell/Kettlebell)
Min 3: 12-15 Burpees
Min 4: 45 second plank

WOD: Saturday

For time:
15 Bar Muscle-ups
Run 1.6km
30 Deadball Over shoulders*
Run 1.6km
15 Bar Muscle-ups

*Choose a heavy repeatable weight.

Photo: Maya has done it!! Her hard work has paid off and she made it over the bar, achieving her 1st bar muscle up. Awesome work Maya!!!

WOD: Friday

A. 3 cycles:
1. Overhead squat x3+ Front Squat x5+ Back Squat X 5
2. Front Squat X 3 + Back Squat X 5
3. Back Squat 5-5-5

B. Surprise partner WOD.

Photo: Brad - The face of determination.

WOD: Thursday

A. For time:
Calories (Any machine)
Hang Dumbbell Snatch (left side) 22.5/15kg
Hang Dumbbell Snatch (right side) 22.5/15kg

B. Optional extra’s (Choose one)
Mobility: Roll/stretch, trigger point therapy, sauna.
Gymnastics: EMOM x 10mins ‘X’ Knees to elbow
Conditioning: Three rounds: 400m run/Plank for equal run time.

WOD: Wednesday

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Unbroken Thrusters
Superset with,
Strict Gymnastic Pull (maintain reps).
*20minute time cap.
Choose the most challenging load/pull up difficulty that allows for unbroken reps throughout within the time frame.

Photo: Congratulations Maya on hitting a PB Clean & Jerk of 55kg. Maya has been hunting this down for a while. Well done Maya!!!

WOD: Tuesday

Two rounds:
0-5 minutes:
For time:
Run 860m (rest remainder. Rest=score)
AMRAP (10 minutes)
5 V-ups
10/7 Push-ups
15 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg

Score: Convert balance of time to seconds (eg. 4minute run= 60 sec rest=60 reps) + Total reps of AMRAP.

Photo: Some of our awesome ladies & best cheer squad 😀

WOD: Monday

A. Handstand skills (Warm-up)- Holds/walks
B. Technique focus
1 Clean + 2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk
*Beginners- 3 Hang Cleans + 3 Shoulder to Overhead
Work to a heavy:
Clean & Jerk (any style)

RECOMMENDATION: After watching this last I highly recommend – “Danielle Brandon Energy” Documentary (available on YouTube). Her story goes beyond CrossFit – providing hope and inspiration on so many levels. You never know somebodies story…

WOD: Saturday

Reminder there is 1 session at 7am, followed by breakfast.
We will announce the IN-BOX Open Team Winners.
Thank you all for your patience and support over this difficult time.

Partner workout:
Two rounds for max repetitions:
4 minutes:
Max Push-ups/Deadhang
Rest 1 minute
4 minutes:
Air Squats/Overhead dumbbell hold (2 x 22.5/15kg)
Rest 1 minute
4 minutes:
Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg/Front Sandbag hold

*One partner must hold static movement for repetitions to be accumulated.

WOD: Friday

We will be hosting a BBQ breakfast this Saturday morning to crown the Winning team from the IN-BOX OPEN.
At this stage we are looking to run 1 big session at 7am, with BBQ breakfast to follow.

For time:
500m Row
30 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead 2×22.5/15kg
20 Toes to bar
1000m bike
30 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead 2×22.5/15kg
20 Toes to bar
Run 560m
30 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead 2×22.5/15kg
20 Toes to bar

Photo: A huge thankyou to Nata for taking on extra sessions and keeping the gym running over the past few weeks. We are so grateful to have you as part of our coaching team.