WOD: Saturday
*Please note that the AM sessions are cancelled on Monday so that we can get the gym sorted after Clash on the Coast on Sunday. All sessions from 12pm onwards will run as per normal.
Open gym format today 7:00-8:00am.
*Please note that the AM sessions are cancelled on Monday so that we can get the gym sorted after Clash on the Coast on Sunday. All sessions from 12pm onwards will run as per normal.
Open gym format today 7:00-8:00am.
A. Press – Push Press – Push Jerk
B. Push Press – Push Jerk
C. Push Jerk
*This is basically just one continuous lifting session where you discard the press and then push press as they become the limiting factors – finishing by working to a heavy single on the push jerk.
Optional Finisher:
Tabata Double-unders
In 30 minutes:
Run the big loop…
in the remaining time,
Perform as many rounds of Cindy as possible.
*Well done to Tom who (along with his team) came second at the world out-rigging championship in the under 19 men’s division!
A. Snatch Balance – Spend 15 minutes working technique/building weight.
B. Three rounds for time of:
15 Hang Power Clean 60/40kg
15 Burpees
A. Front Squat 3 x 10
*These sets are not intended to be maximal – you may stay at the same weight or climb. Most importantly, perform them with a steady tempo and focus on your breathing and form.
B. Death by 10m
*With a continuously running clock, perform 1 rep in the 1st min. 2 reps in the 2nd min. 3 reps in the 3rd min. etc. Advanced athletes may consider starting further up the ladder than 1.
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
Run 400 metres
Max rep Pull-ups