The WOD's
WOD: Wednesday
WOD: Tuesday
*Please don’t forget that your scores must be submitted to the CrossFit Games website by the cut off or your score is invalid.
*Your scores can be found by clicking on Monday’s post.
A. Ascend as far as possible in 10 min.
5 Sit-ups
20 Double-unders
10 Sit-ups
40 Double-unders
15 Sit-ups
60 Double-unders
20 Sit-ups
80 Double-unders
B. Mobility Circuit
WOD: Monday
CrossFit Open 16.1
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
25-ft. overhead walking lunge 43/30kg
8 bar facing burpees
25-ft. overhead walking lunge
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
*If you are completing the workout for validation purposes today, please do your best to organise a registered athlete to count your reps.
*Due to the logistics of running this workout it is unlikely that you will get a chance for a redo. We apologise for this, and this will not be the case for future weeks – it simply due to the space and time requirements of this workout.
If you have already completed 16.1 and would like to train today, here is an alternate workout:
EMOM x 21:
1. Row 20/15 cal.
2. 20m shuttle (max reps)
3. Rest
WOD: Saturday
CrossFit Open 16.1
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
25-ft. overhead walking lunge 43/30kg
8 bar facing burpees
25-ft. overhead walking lunge
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Please note the following points to ensure the smooth running of this workout.
– Watch the demo video and read the standards for your category.
– Give yourself enough time to warm-up, compete and count for 1 other athlete before the scheduled finish of the session.
– Fill up heats as places become available. You may not get the luxury of picking and choosing which heat you’re in.
WOD: Friday
*Please note we have revised our plan for the open. Check out the post above.
A. Drop Snatch
*10 min to work to a heavy single.
B. Snatch Balance
*10 min to work to a heavy double.
C. Overhead Squat
*10 min to work to a heavy triple.
WOD: Thursday
WOD: Wednesday
Today’s workout is all about the Muscle-up. Whether you are yet to get your first pull-up or you’re a muscle-up guru, there is plenty to be gained from this session – so come on in!
A. 10 min. practice: Lower from front support to false grip.
B. 10 min. practice: Transitions (progressively higher rings)
C. 10 min. False grip hangs/pulls.