The WOD's

WOD: Thursday

*Great work to everyone who came along to the nutrition presentation!

AMRAP in 3 min:
1 x (2 Bar Muscle-up + 4 C2B Pull-ups + 6 Pull-ups)
50 Double-unders
Max reps HSPU (in the remaining time)
*Rest for 1 min. after each 3 min.
*Repeat for 5 cycles.

WOD: Wednesday

*Reminder: Tonight’s 6pm session will make way for our Nutrition Presentation – we highly recommend that you come along! All other sessions are as per normal.

Five rounds for load:
9 Deadlift
6 Hang Power Snatch
9 Overhead Squat
*To be performed as a continuous unbroken set.
*Rest as necessary between rounds.
*Record your weight range across the sets.

WOD: Monday

*Please note the change of schedule for Monday (today) – here.

5 x 90 sec. rounds:
10 Push-ups
20 Lunges 20/15kg
Max reps Double-unders
*Rest 90 sec. between rounds.
*Perform a 30 sec. plank in the rest break.
*Choose from standard, hand release or plyometric push-ups. Choose a style that makes the 10 reps challenging.

WOD: Saturday

*Please note the change of schedule for Monday – here.

Three rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
12 Pull-ups

No session today.

WOD: Friday

*Please note that Technology drive is being resurfaced at the moment and you may need to leave a little earlier in order to find a park and make it to your session on time.

For load:
Shoulder to Overhead 30-20-10-5 reps.
*Sets must be unbroken.
*Rest as necessary between sets.
*Record the weight for each set.

WOD: Thursday

A. 10 x 2 Back Squats
*Climb in weight over the course of the sets.

B. 30-20-10 reps for time of:
Goblet Squat 24/16kg
Box Jump 24/20″

WOD: Wednesday

EMOM x 30 min:
1: Row 20/15 cal.
2: Rest
3: 10 x 20m shuttle run
4: Rest
5: Burpees (6″)
6: Rest

WOD: Tuesday

A. EMOM x 12:
1. 8 Bent Over Row
2. Toes to Bar

B. Death by Pull-ups

WOD: Monday

*Congratulations to Renee who is now officially a Level 1 CrossFit trainer after her recent successful completion of the Level 1 course!

For time:
50 Thrusters 20/15kg
Run 400m
40 Thrusters 30/22.5kg
Run 400m
30 Thrusters 40/30kg
Run 400m
20 Thrusters 50/37.5kg
Run 400m
10 Thrusters 60/45kg
Run 400m