The WOD's

WOD: Saturday

It has been a hard week so the session will be aimed at recovery and mobility – we all need it!!!

*Please note there is no 8am session.

WOD: Friday

EMOM x 10:
5 Clean and Jerk

EMOM x 10:
7 Clean

EMOM x 10:
10 Deadlift
*Use the same load throughout the workout.
*The clock does not stop or reset between movements.

WOD: Thursday

Complete 5 cycles of the following:
Bench Press 8-10 reps
Bent Over Row 8-10 reps
Superman Raise 10 reps
Weighted Plank 45 sec.
*Rest as necessary between exercises but rest only enough to succeed in your next movement.

WOD: Wednesday

A. Every 2 minutes x 8:
1 Snatch + 2 Snatch Balance + 3 Overhead Squats
*Build in load across the sets.

B. Five rounds for time of:
12 KB Overhead Squats 24/16kg (6 per side)
20 Sit-ups

WOD: Tuesday

Five rounds of:
9/7 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
30 Double-unders
then run 800m

Rest 4 min.

Run 800m
then, five rounds of:
12/8 HR Push-ups
15 Box Jumps
then immediately work to a 1RM Clean and Jerk (5 min time cap)
*Record time up to the Clean and Jerk and best lift.

WOD: Monday

For time:
50 Back Squats 50/35kg
25 Burpees (over barbell)
15 Hang Power Cleans 50/35kg
35 Front Squats 50/35kg
25 Burpees (over barbell)
10 Hang Power Cleans 50/35kg
20 Overhead Squats 50/35kg
25 Burpees (over barbell)
5 Hang Power Cleans 50/35kg
*Compare to last time – here.

WOD: Saturday

A. Death by 20m

B. Medball Partner Finisher

For time:
Row 1000m
15 Front Squats 85/55kg
15m Handstand Walk
12 Front Squats
12m Handstand Walk
9 Front Squats
9m Handstand Walk


WOD: Friday

Five, 3 minute rounds of:
Run 400m
Max unbroken Toes to Bar
Rest 1 min.

WOD: Wednesday

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Shoulder to Overhead 60/40kg
Pull-up (muscle-up, C2B, Strict, Kip etc)
*For the pull-up, choose the most difficult version of the movement that allows for 10 unbroken reps. ie. if you can do 10 UB Muscle-ups, do MU’s or C2B etc.