The WOD's

WOD: Saturday

Use the session – Aiming for minimum of 5 cycles:

In teams of 3: rotate through the following:
Front Rack Carry (barbell) 4 x 15m
Sandbag/Deadball Carry (In front of body) 4 x 15m

*Choose weights that are repeatable for each movement. Small adjustments in weight are allowed.
*Mandatory put down at turn around.
P1 completes carry, P2, P3 rest. Rotate through for each movement.

Photo: I love this photo of Nic & Cal.

WOD: Friday

A. Build in load as movement allows: 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Jerk B. Seven round for load: Shoulder to overhead x 5 *Complete 100 single skips between sets *Maintain load across sets Photo: Libby smashing the Open. Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhoto

WOD: Thursday

A. Handstand Skills:
Holds, walks, etc.

B. AMRAP in 15 minutes:
3 Wall Walks
12 Russ KB Swings 32kg/24kg
15 Box Jumps 24″/20″

Photo: Thank you to the LSKD Crew for joining in for a fun morning session. We are looking forward to the Sunshine Coast LSKD official store opening on the 30th March.

LSKD Store Open Day event link

WOD: Wednesday

Partner Chipper
For time:
120 Wall Ball 9/6kg
80 Toes to Bar
120 Burpees
80 Pull-ups
*Run 180m between efforts

*One person completing repetitions/1 person running.
* 30 minute cap

Intermediate: 100 WB, 60T2B, 100BP, 60 PU.

WOD: Tuesday

Five supersets:
Dumbbell Bench Press 12-15reps
Ring Rows 8-10 reps (Feet in line with hands)

B. 2 x Max effort sprints:
Row 750m/Bike 1700m/Ski Erg 750m
*Choose one option.
*Rest as needed between efforts.

Photo: I love that many of our members take dressing up as seriously as the WOD. For those that weren’t there Saturday – Guess who??

Congratulations to our WEEK 3 Spirit award – Luka. We could not be prouder of your efforts. Travelling to Japan solo and finding a box to complete the WOD in your team colours. Awesome work and team dedication 😀
BEST DRESSED – If you didn’t pick the person in blue – Robbie Morton.
Each of these athletes have earnt 3 points for their teams.
All remaining team points will be calculated this week.

WOD: Monday

Thank you to everyone for your understanding and messages of support following the cancelation of the IN-BOX OPEN Party.
As a result we have not yet assigned a WINNING TEAM so all athletes completing Open 24.3 today will still be awarded points. Please get nominations for SPIRIT of IN-BOX and Best dressed to Marie by Tuesday morning.

A. Complex – Technique
1 Power Snatch +
2 Snatch Balance +
3 Overhead Squats

B. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
10/7 Push-ups
14 Overhead Lunge (20/15kg Plate)
35 Double-unders

OPEN 24.3

Photo: Congratulations to Paula getting her first Bar Muscle-up on Saturday during 24.3. This is what the OPEN is about. Surrounding yourself with an amazing community that encourage and hype you to achieve new things. Soooo awesome!!!

OPEN 24.3

Our final Week of the Open2024. Wishing everyone the best for the last WOD. Please ensure you know the workout and movement standards prior to coming in. For time: 5 Rounds: 10 Thrusters (Weight 1) 10 Chest to bar Rest 1 minute 5 Rounds: 7 Thrusters (Weight 2) 7 Muscle-ups *15 minute cap

Photo: Congratulations Faiz competing in the Open for the 1st time. @GrantWilliamsPhotos


Reminder: This week we will complete Open 24.3 during

This will allow us to let our hair down for the after IN-BOX PARTY on Saturday night. Be sure to check Members Facebook for event details. Party 6pm at the box.

Watch the live announcement at 6am here

OPEN 24.3 from 4pm – anyone that wants to do it. Feel free to come and judge/cheer.

For time:
Run/Row 1200m
30 Wall Ball
30 Burpees
30 Toes to Bar
Run/Row 1200m

*Complete Wallball/Burpees/Toes to bar repetitions any how. Start with either Row or Run and finish with the opposite movement.

Photo: Congratulations to Lexi our Spirit of the IN-BOX WEEK 2. Thankyou @GrantWilliamsPhotos

WOD: Thursday

Ten rounds for time:
3 Muscle-ups
Run 180m
*Advanced athletes aim for unbroken
*Scale: Increase volume for Chest to bar pull-ups, pull-ups as required.

WOD: Wednesday

A. 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat

B. Tech focus:
YGIG 7-10 rounds of 5 thrusters
(Increment/hold weight as movement allows)
*Technique not load focused.

Photo: Mr Glitter himself – Mark 😀
Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhotos