The WOD's
WOD: Tuesday
A. Power Clean 1.1.1
*1.1.1 designates a 10 reset between lifts.
*Build in weight over the course of 15 min.
B. Choose one of the following:
1. EMOM x 10: Ring Rows or Pull-ups or Muscle-ups.
2. 30 Muscle-ups (bar or rings) for time (10 min. cut off).
3. 5 Sets for max UB reps of Ring Rows or Pull-ups or Muscle-ups (rest 90 sec. between sets)
WOD: Monday
WOD: Saturday (Beach)
Beach workout today 7:30-8:30am see the attached map for details of where to go.
Bring a towel in case you decide to go for a swim after the workout and your money for breakfast afterwards (if you’re keen).
If we decide to move the workout back to the gym due to bad weather we will update the website by 7am in the morning.
WOD: Friday
A. Five rounds:
6-8 Bent Over Row
Push-up, Dip, HSPU
*Perform these as a superset.
*Pick a pushing movement that will see you get between 8-12 reps in your first set.
B. Three rounds:
Max reps Pull-ups
*Rest 60 sec. between rounds.
WOD: Thursday
WOD: Wednesday
WOD: Tuesday
Monday – Gym Closed
A reminder that we are closed today for the public holiday. Have a great day.