WOD: Tuesday
A. Turkish Get-up warm-up
B. Three rounds for time:
15 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead 2 x 22.5/15kg
16 Dumbbell Lunges
Run 360m
Photo: Tilly. Laser focus leading into the Open WOD. Yes she smashed it!!!
A. Turkish Get-up warm-up
B. Three rounds for time:
15 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead 2 x 22.5/15kg
16 Dumbbell Lunges
Run 360m
Photo: Tilly. Laser focus leading into the Open WOD. Yes she smashed it!!!
Another great Saturday in the box. Thank you to Amie, Deb & Jamie from JMT for the lend of the rowers making logistics easier.
Please get your votes to Marie by Tuesday morning for the following:
Best dressed individual – 3 points
Spirit – 3 points
Team points will be awarded:
1 point per participant
Top 3 winners (both Open and Masters male/female) 3-2-1 points 1st-2nd-3rd.
OPEN 24.2 or
(Please wear your team colours and continue to support those athletes yet to complete the Open WOD)
A. 5-7 sets of:
Back Squat x 5 + Front Squats x 3
*Rerack between back squats and front squats
B. Partner effort:
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
Bike 10/7cal
Plank while partner bikes
Photo: Jesse in beast mode during 24.1. Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhotos.
Get ready for another epic morning. All athletes please read:
Due to logistical requirements for Open 24.2 we will be running with a staggered start for SATURDAY’s WOD.
We require at minimum 20 athletes booked in and at the gym by 7:00am (Group 1)
All athletes will be required to compete and judge.
All remaining athletes at the gym by 8:00am (Group 2). Check out our Facebook members page for full details.
OPEN 24.2
As many round and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
300m row
10 Deadlifts
50 Double-unders
Open: RXD: 83/56kg, Scaled 61/43kg & single unders
Masters 55+: 61/43kg, Scaled: 43/29kg & single unders
Teens: 52/34kg, Scaled: 43/29kg & single unders
Watch the big boys throw down here
Check out the OPEN 24.2 TIPS
Photo: Open 24.1 was unforgiving.
Please note: the people in the background are actually Grants friends and may have been (Slightly concerned?).
A. Five rounds for time:
Row 250m/Bike 500m
Run 200m
30 Air Squats
B. Mobility
Photo: Sam. Can Barbie do this?? Like Barbie only strong and 1000% better!!!
Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhotos
A. Strict Press 5-5-5-5-5 (from ground)
B. Five rounds for time:
10 Shoulder to Overhead *
15 Pull-ups *
*Choose a weight that allows for unbroken effort on first round.
*Advanced athletes C2B pull-ups
*Pull-up guide: Max of 2 sets in first round.
Photo: Congratulations to our real life super hero – Bernie for receiving the most votes for best dress (WEEK 1). Bernie has earnt 3 points for his team – The Ultimate Team.
Thank you to @GrantWilliamsPhotos for this beautiful photo.
Ten rounds for load/time:
5 Front Squats *
Run 180m
*Heavy but unbroken
*20 minute cap.
Photo: Ava working her pull-ups.
When children watch their parents day in/day out make exercise a part of their life, embrace the challenges and work hard to improve, celebrate their wins and surround themselves with people that lift them – this becomes their normal.
We are so blessed to have so many families and multi generations training with us and even more so a community that is so supportive (It takes a village). Chloe and Jesse have thrived as a result of growing up at Coastal CrossFit. Thank you for those that have travelled this journey with us thus far. Thankyou for everything you do for us and one another!!
Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhotos
What a weekend!! The energy and vibe in the box was insane. We had 40 athletes through Open 24.1 with so many amazing efforts.
Our teams were on FIRE- Team colours represented with some awesome individual outfits.
Team points will be awarded:
1 point per participant
Top 3 winners (both Open and Masters male/female) 3-2-1 points 1st-2nd-3rd.
Please get your votes to Marie by Tuesday morning for the following:
Best dressed individual – 3 points
Spirit – 3 points
OPEN 24.1 (Please wear your team colours and continue to support those athletes yet to complete the Open WOD)
For those that have completed Open 24.1:
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
Run 360m
21 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
12 Toes to Bar
Photo: Congratulations to Olivia completing her 1st Open workout. We could not have been prouder of your efforts- What a Champion!!!!
Thank you to @GrantWilliamsPhotos – We are so very grateful to have you capturing so many of these special moments.
Get ready for lots of Open spam.
We are excited to kick off the Open and IN-BOX OPEN.
We have over 60 competitors – Your co-operation is going to be super important in allowing us to run a smooth show. COME DRESSED IN TEAM COLOURS!!
The morning will kick off at 7am– We ask all athletes wanting to complete the workout tomorrow to be there by 7am. Everyone playing by the same rules or we will have 60 athletes all doing there own thing. If there is a genuine reason please let Marie know.
FLOW- 7am Athlete brief, and heat allocation. Team Photos.
Warm up-
We will be able to run good sized heats. All heats to be filled as we go.
Please ensure you know the workout and movement standards
To watch the elite athletes hit this head to head check out the LIVE ATHLETE MATCHUP – go to 1:00.
Just WOW!!!
OPEN 24.1
For time:
21 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
21 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
9 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
9 lateral burpees over dumbbell
Time cap: 15 minutes
RXD (Ages 16-54)- 22.5/15kg
Scaled (Ages 16-54)- 15/10kg
Teen 14-15- 15/10kg
Masters 55+ 15/10kg
Scaled Masters 55+ 10/5kg
CROSSFIT OPEN 24.1 ANNOUNCMENT- 12:00pm PT (6:00am based upon my conversion).
Nervous and excited!!
Gymnastic Complex:
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
1Gymnastic complex: 1 Bar Muscle-up + 2 Chest to bar pull-ups + 3 pull-ups
Run 360m
*Scale- Choose a gymnastic complex suitable to your abilities aiming for 6 repetitions per rounds.
Eg. 1 Strict + 2 Chest to bar+ 3 pull-ups or 3 C2B + 3 Pull-ups