WOD: Thursday
A. EMOM x 10:
2 x Snatch
*Increment the weight to find today’s max.
B. Death by Overhead Squat
*Use approx. 60-70% of your heaviest snatch from Part A.
A. EMOM x 10:
2 x Snatch
*Increment the weight to find today’s max.
B. Death by Overhead Squat
*Use approx. 60-70% of your heaviest snatch from Part A.
A. 10-1 reps (not for time) of:
Bent Over Row
Strict Pull-up
Strict T2B
*Grab a partner and alternate your way through the movements until you’re done.
*Try to better your effort from 23 April 15.
*Please note that we are on a reduced timetable this week.
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters 20/15kg
30 Pull-ups
*15 min cut off.
2 min row
then with an empty bar..
10 x Front Squat
10 x Push Press
10 x Thruster (pause in bottom/top of each rep)
10 sec. Active Hang
2 x 5 Kipping Swings
2 x 5 Pull-ups
*Please note that we are on a reduced timetable this week.
A. Deadlift
5 x 70%
5 x 75%
5 x 80%
*must re-grip and reset the back on each rep.
B. Five rounds for time of:
10 Deadlift 60/40kg
10 Box Jump 24/20”
*10 min cut off.
2 min skip
3 rounds:
5 sit-up and reach
5 superman
Barbell specific warm-up
*Please note that we are on a reduced timetable this week.
EMOM x 20:
1. 10m Shuttle Run (max reps)
2. Rest
3. Row (max calories)
4. Rest
*Three point turn on shuttles.
2 min row
*Please note that we are on a reduced timetable this week.
A. Bench Press
3 x 5 @ 80%
*Max reps in set 3.
B. Three rounds for reps of:
1 min Push-ups
1 min Ball Slams
1 min Plank 45 seconds.
2 min skip or row.
Inch worm into plank shoulder rotation.
Partner Push-up Ladder 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, etc.
*Please note that we are on a reduced timetable this week.
EMOM x 20:
1. 5 Hang Power Clean
2. 5 Shoulder to OH
*Use the same bar with the same weight for both movements.
*Start moderate and increase/decrease the weight by feel across the sets.
2 min skip or row
2 rounds:
Bear Crawl
Duck Walk
Crab Walk
Then (with empty bar)
5 x strict press
5 x push press
5 x push jerk
5 x shrug
5 x high pull
5 x muscle clean
*Please note that we are on a reduced timetable this week.
A. Back Squat
3 x 5 @ 80%
Max reps in set 3 (no more than 10)
B. Five rounds for time of:
10 Front Squat 60/40kg
20 Lateral Jumps (over loaded barbell)
*10 min cut off.
90 sec. skip
2 rounds:
Bear Crawl
Duck Walk
Crab Walk
Samson Stretch
Cossack Stretch
Inch Worm