The WOD's

WOD: Tuesday

Perform as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
Run 800m
30 Wall Ball 10/6kg

Rest 2 min.

Perform as many reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
Run 800m
30 Wall Ball

Rest 2 min.

Perform as many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
Run 800m
30 Wall Ball

WOD: Monday

A. 10 Sets:
1 Power Snatch + 2 Snatch Balance + 3 Overhead Squat
*This is not for time as such but I want you to cycle your rounds quickly. Ideally, find a partner who has similar lifting ability and cycle one for one.

EMOM x 10:
Min 1: Pull-ups
Min 2: Double-unders
*Pick your own reps for each exercise with the aim of maintaining across the rounds. If you’re doing the open, be conservative as this is more about fine tuning your movement than it is about volume.

WOD: Saturday

Contrary to what we advertised – the gym is open today.

Open gym – 7.30-9.00am.  Come in and improve on a weakness before the open starts.

*The video attached is the trailer to the Sisu documentary that I mentioned to a couple of people in the gym – if you’re looking for some awesome CrossFit motivation I can’t think of anything better. Mikko is still by far my favourite CrossFit athlete – super humble and crushes everything. You’ll find the full doco on YouTube.

*Happy Birthday to Karen today!!!

WOD: Friday

Please note the Change of Schedule this weekend.

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlift 80/50kg
Box Jump 24/20″

Rest 5 min.

9-15-21 reps for time of:
Box Jump 24/20″
Deadlift 80/50kg

WOD: Thursday

Please note the Change of Schedule for this weekend.

A. Back Squat
10 x 2
*We’re going to run this on as close to EMOM as possible so choose a load that is heavy but repeatable on a short cycle.

B. “Karen”
For Time:
150 Wall Balls 10-6kg
*I know this workout is going to be cherry picked but for those of you preparing for the open, we have seen wall balls every year since 2011 and on 2 occasions we’ve seen 150 in a row. High rep wall balls normally make you pretty sore if it’s been a while since doing them but you’ll be amazed at how quickly you’ll build resilience to this soreness if you keep exposing yourself to a decent dose of them. This will give you a bit of a buffer zone for soreness if they come up in the open and allow for multiple attempts at the workouts if so desired.

WOD: Wednesday

Please note the Change of Schedule for this Saturday.

Perform as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 400m
15 Toes to Bar
7 Wall Climbs
*A wet weather friendly version of the workout will be provided if the weather is bad.

Notes: You can scale the wall climb by reducing range of motion (don’t go as far in to the wall) or use a sub like shoulder taps with the feet elevated etc.

WOD: Tuesday

EMOM x 20:
1 Deadlift
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Jerk
1 Back Squat
1 BTN Jerk
*Load is up to you.
*Movements cannot be combined.

WOD: Monday

Three rounds for reps of:
1 min. Thruster 20/15kg
1 min. C2B Pull-ups
1 min. Ball Slams
1 min. Box Jumps 24/20″
1 min. Burpees
1 min. Rest

WOD: Saturday

Beach workout today!

When: 7.30-8.30am
Where: Beach entrance 229 Warana (see map)
*Feel free to bring the family.