*For those of you on the Nutrition Challenge, please remember that we require photos of 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 2 dinners for this weeks review process.
For time:
400m run
18 muscle-ups
400m run
15 muscle-ups
400-m run
12 muscle-ups
*Each time the athlete breaks a set of muscle-ups they must run 200m.
Notes: Don’t be put off by the Muscle-up part of this workout – we can apply this format to any pulling exercise right back to a ring row. The main thing is that you don’t sell yourself short and blitz through this unbroken, unless you’re of the caliber of a CF Games athlete. The aim is for you to walk away with a “relative” training effect to your peers – rather than the people doing it rx’d going to hell and back and everyone else breezing through it. To give you a guide, there are few men in our gym who can do more than 10 UB Muscle-ups and that effort alone would leave them quite gassed meaning the remaining 8 or so reps in the first round would likely be broken into 2 more sets. From there (depending on how slow they run of course) the effect is likely to compound for the rounds of 15 and 12.