The WOD's

WOD: Thursday

A. Deadlift 5-10-20
*Sets must be touch and go. Rest off the ground only.

B. Partner Workout
7 min ladder:
Burpees/DL Hold
*One partner holds the barbell at the top of the Deadlift while the other does Burpees. Start at 1 rep and increase by 1 each round. Don’t exceed 100/70kg for DL hold.

Discipline in the Deadlift: Compared to the Olympic lifts the deadlift is quite a simple movement which potentially means that inexperienced athletes can lift quite heavy loads through this exercise. This is great providing that good form is maintained, and really bad if it’s not. Unlike the squat where the fear of being squashed under the bar normally stops people from lifting more than they’re capable of, the deadlift seems to bring out the worst in people because they don’t associate the same risk with this lift. Simple rules, let good form dictate your load, if you’re in doubt dump the bar and don’t let your ego get the better of you.

WOD: Wednesday

Do you train CrossFit from home or a commercial gym but still require expert programming and feedback? Check out Coastal CrossFit Online.

A. Touch & Go Power Snatch 5-5-5-5-5

B. Touch & Go Power Clean & Jerk 5-5-5-5-5

Notes: We typically don’t specifically train touch and go style lifting throughout the year as it’s a big enough battle to get good at these lifts as it is without adding in the extra complexity and fatigue that touch and go lifting brings. But with the CrossFit Open around the corner it’s worth playing with different techniques and finding out what sorts of loads you can handle for this volume of reps. For both A & B, start at a conservative weight and build nice and progressively to find your max for five.

WOD: Tuesday

Reading: Tips on Looking After Your Hands

Four rounds:
Max reps Strict + Kipping Pull-up
Rest 60 sec.
Max reps UB Push-ups in 60 sec.
Rest 60 sec.
1 min. Double-unders
Rest 60 sec.

Notes: For the pull-ups, do about 50-75% of you max with strict pulls and then transition to kipping reps until failure – competitors should do C2B. If you don’t have many strict reps then work on them with the help of a spotter or an appropriate band. For the push-ups the reps are continuous i.e. no pausing at the top. If you’re not awesome at push-ups then forego the UB element and get some volume under your belt. Double-unders – one size fits all here. If you’re a guru then try to get lots of them and if you’re learning you can practice for 60 seconds without the requirement of having to get a set number of reps. Enjoy.

WOD: Monday

Please note that we are back to full CrossFit Schedule. The programming this week will be aimed at progressing you back to full intensity after the break.  Don’t be too eager to beat yourself up if you’ve over indulged over the festive season – a progressive approach is much more appropriate.

Have you set your goals for the new year yet? – be sure to spend a moment thinking about the milestones you would like to achieve this year before you come in to train this week. We would love to hear them.

EMOM x 30:
Min 1. 10 x 10 Shuttle Run
Min 2. 15-20 UB Wall Ball 10/6kg
Min 3. Rest
Min 4. Burpees
Min 5. Rest

Assuming that you complete the shuttles and WB in your allotted time frame, the total of your burpees is your score. If you’ve over indulged over the break then cruise through and simply aim to complete the work. If you’ve been a bit more behaved over the break, hit each element hard for a much more potent effect.

WOD: Saturday

Don’t wait until Monday, come and work off some Christmas cheer. Join us for some Open Gym fun and watch Marie do her birthday burpees 7.30am-9.00am.

Remember, if you don’t know what you are doing we will give you a WOD if to get you back into the swing of things.

WOD: Friday

We hope that you have all had a safe and wonderful festive season and start to 2015.

Start 2015 off on a positive note and get back on track with training and nutrition. We look forward to having some fun with as many of you as possible during Open Gym: 3.00-4.30pm.

New Years Day

Please note that the gym is closed today for the New Year’s Day public holiday. Happy New Year!!!

WOD: Wednesday

Open Gym: 8.00-9.30am. Come on in and get your last sweat on for 2014!

WOD: Tuesday

Please note that the gym is closed today. Here is a workout you can do from home.

10 rounds for time:
Run 200m
30-60 sec. plank.

Notes: For the plank, pick a time between 30 and 60 seconds that you expect to be able to maintain UB for the entire 10 rounds – don’t exceed 60 sec.

WOD: Monday

Please note that the gym is closed today. Here is a workout you can do from home.

Five rounds for time of:
5 Wall Climb
10 Sit-up
20 Box Jump

Notes: For the wall climb feel free to reduce your range of motion (i.e. less vertical) to suit your level of ability but work hard to maintain the same mechanics and body position nonetheless. Otherwise you can scale back to push-ups with feet elevated or normal push-ups. Keep the sit-ups nice and strict and find something nice and sturdy to jump on for the BJ.