WOD: Thursday
A. Deadlift 5-10-20
*Sets must be touch and go. Rest off the ground only.
B. Partner Workout
7 min ladder:
Burpees/DL Hold
*One partner holds the barbell at the top of the Deadlift while the other does Burpees. Start at 1 rep and increase by 1 each round. Don’t exceed 100/70kg for DL hold.
Discipline in the Deadlift: Compared to the Olympic lifts the deadlift is quite a simple movement which potentially means that inexperienced athletes can lift quite heavy loads through this exercise. This is great providing that good form is maintained, and really bad if it’s not. Unlike the squat where the fear of being squashed under the bar normally stops people from lifting more than they’re capable of, the deadlift seems to bring out the worst in people because they don’t associate the same risk with this lift. Simple rules, let good form dictate your load, if you’re in doubt dump the bar and don’t let your ego get the better of you.