WOD: Friday
Check out our latest Athlete Spotlight featuring Nikki.
Five rounds:
DB Bench Press 8-10 Reps
Row 400m
Rest as necessary between exercises.
Check out our latest Athlete Spotlight featuring Nikki.
Five rounds:
DB Bench Press 8-10 Reps
Row 400m
Rest as necessary between exercises.
EMOM x 10:
Wall Ball 10/6kg
Rest 3 min.
EMOM x 8:
Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20″
Rest 3 min.
EMOM x 6:
Russian Swing 32/24kg
Notes: You get to choose the reps for this one with rx’d being dependent on maintaining those reps for each round (with full range of motion and prescribed weights/heights of course). For example, if you choose 10 wall ball, then you need to do 10 each round for rx’d. You can pick a different number for each movement but it must be maintained. If you fail to maintain your chosen number, your lowest reps in any given round will be your score for that movement.
*Please note that the gym is closed today for Australia Day. Have a great day celebrating this great country we live in!
*Check out this video, it’s hilarious!
*Please note the gym is closed on Monday for our normal timetable.
Both 7am and 8am sessions will run as per usual today – see you there.
Clean & Jerk 15-12-9 reps
*Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.
Notes: This is one of those workouts where people look at the whiteboard and say “is that it?” – this is where I get a big smile and start to rub my hands together. Let me assure you, if you do this right you will not feel ripped off. I have programmed this workout with barbell cycling in mind, which means getting used to hanging on to the bar when you really want to dump it and experimenting with ways to be efficient at linking reps together. While we want you to go “heavy”, don’t go too far and turn this into a test of whose got freakish levels forearm endurance. The load should cause you to have to pause several times per set but not to the extent where you’re losing the training effect of barbell cycling.
*Check out the demo video – not exactly how I want you to hit it but an impressive effort regardless.
*For those of you on the Nutrition Challenge, please remember that we require photos of 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches and 2 dinners for this weeks review process.
For time:
400m run
18 muscle-ups
400m run
15 muscle-ups
400-m run
12 muscle-ups
*Each time the athlete breaks a set of muscle-ups they must run 200m.
Notes: Don’t be put off by the Muscle-up part of this workout – we can apply this format to any pulling exercise right back to a ring row. The main thing is that you don’t sell yourself short and blitz through this unbroken, unless you’re of the caliber of a CF Games athlete. The aim is for you to walk away with a “relative” training effect to your peers – rather than the people doing it rx’d going to hell and back and everyone else breezing through it. To give you a guide, there are few men in our gym who can do more than 10 UB Muscle-ups and that effort alone would leave them quite gassed meaning the remaining 8 or so reps in the first round would likely be broken into 2 more sets. From there (depending on how slow they run of course) the effect is likely to compound for the rounds of 15 and 12.