WOD: Tuesday
Reading: Tips on Looking After Your Hands
Four rounds:
Max reps Strict + Kipping Pull-up
Rest 60 sec.
Max reps UB Push-ups in 60 sec.
Rest 60 sec.
1 min. Double-unders
Rest 60 sec.
Notes: For the pull-ups, do about 50-75% of you max with strict pulls and then transition to kipping reps until failure – competitors should do C2B. If you don’t have many strict reps then work on them with the help of a spotter or an appropriate band. For the push-ups the reps are continuous i.e. no pausing at the top. If you’re not awesome at push-ups then forego the UB element and get some volume under your belt. Double-unders – one size fits all here. If you’re a guru then try to get lots of them and if you’re learning you can practice for 60 seconds without the requirement of having to get a set number of reps. Enjoy.