The WOD's

WOD: Saturday

Please note that the gym is closed today. Here is a workout you can do from home:

Four rounds for time of:
Run 400m
50 Squats

Don’t get too worried if your 400m is not spot on. If you don’t have a way to measure it, just run out for about half as long (time) as your average 400m run would take and then make that your turn around point for the rest of the workout.

WOD: Friday

Please note that the gym is closed today. Here is a workout you can do from home:

Tabata (8 x 20 on/10 off)
Mountain Climbers
Rest 1 min.
Rest 1 min.
Mountain Climbers

To clarify – perform 20 sec of work and 10 sec of rest x 8 of Mountain Climbers then rest 1 min. and then move onto Grasshoppers for 8 rounds then after resting another minute, back to Mountain Climbers.  Click the links for exercise demo’s.

WOD: Wednesday

A reminder that we are operating on a reduced timetable this week. Today we have open gym sessions at the following times:
Open Gym 5.30-7.30am

Feel free to come in and do some training of your own choice. Trainers will be on hand to provide guidance and coaching and what ever you would like to work on.

WOD: Tuesday

A reminder that we are operating on a reduced timetable this week. Today we have open gym sessions at the following times:
Open Gym 5.30-7.30am & 4.00-6.00pm

Feel free to come in and do some training of your own choice. Trainers will be on hand to provide guidance and coaching and what ever you would like to work on.

WOD: Monday

A reminder that we are operating on a reduced timetable this week. Today we have open gym sessions at the following times:
Open Gym 5.30-7.30am & 4.00-6.00pm

Feel free to come in and do some training of your own choice. Trainers will be on hand to provide guidance and coaching and what ever you would like to work on.

WOD: Saturday

Please note there will be one combined session today at 7:00am.

To add a bit of excitement you guys will be creating your own workout (within some specified parameters). Think of your best ideas and we will come up with a great workout together. Bring your Christmas cheer!!!

WOD: Friday

Bodo – The only man who puts beers in the fridge for a post workout drink.

All sessions today will be open gym format after the destruction of the 12 Days of Christmas Workout.

Feel free to come in and do a workout of your own creation, work mobility or get some one on one coaching.

WOD: Thursday

For those that aren’t aware – CrossFitters that don’t turn up for the 12 Days of Christmas workout are immediately placed onto the naughty list!

The 12 Days of Christmas
For time:
1. Run 200m
2. Bar Muscle-ups
3. Hang Cleans 60/40kg
4. Box Step-overs 20/15kg (20″)
5. Toes to Bar
6. Parallette Shoot Through
7. C2B Pull-ups
8. KB Swings 32/24kg
9. Burpees
10. Overhead Lunge 20/15kg
11. Wall Ball 10/6kg
12. Shoulder to Overhead 60/40kg

This workout is performed as per the song “The 12 Days of Christmas”, so it’s 1, then 2,1, then 3,2,1 then 4,3,2,1 etc. This is obviously a long one so feel free to get into the gym early and get started on warming up so that you have the best shot at getting through the workout!


WOD: Wednesday

A. Work to a 2RM Turkish Get-up (each side)

B. EMOM x 12:
1. 30 sec. Dips
2. 30 sec. Double-unders
3. 30 sec. T2B