The WOD's

WOD: Thursday

6 x 90 sec. rounds:
30 sec. Flexed Arm Hang
10 Box Jumps 30/24″
Toes to Bar x max. reps.
*rest 90 sec. between rounds.
*30 sec. plank during rest break.

WOD: Wednesday

Show a CrossFitter (or potential CrossFitter) how much you love them this Christmas – Christmas Gift Ideas

A. High Hang Clean
*15 minutes to work to today’s max.

B. Clean Deadlift 5 x 3
*use approx. 100-120% of max clean.
*rest as necessary between sets.

C. AMRAP in 5 minutes:
Unbroken Double-unders
*you choose the reps eg. if you choose 50, then see how many sets of 50 UB DU you can do in 5 min.

WOD: Tuesday

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
Run 200m
7 Shoulder to Overhead
30 Alternating Lunges
*Choose a weight for the S2OH that allows you to stay unbroken for most of the workout.
*Score = rounds/load.

WOD: Monday

Five rounds of:
Bench Press 8-10 reps
Max reps Pull-ups
*Perform as a superset with 2 minutes rest between rounds.

WOD: Saturday

7.00am – Today’s WOD will be weather dependant – come on in and train at 7.00am and hang around to watch the action of The Coastal Total from 8.00am onwards.

“The Coastal Total”
1RM Clean
1RM Bench Press
1RM Overhead Squat

Weigh-in between 8.00-8.30am
Lifting starts at 9.00am

WOD: Friday

EMOM x 20:
A. Turkish Get-up (1 each side)
B. 30 sec. weighted plank.
*aim to maintain the loads for all 10 rounds.

WOD: Thursday

A. 21-15-9 reps for load of:
Front Squat
*loads must be lifted from the ground.
*10 minute time cap.

B. 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Kettlebell Swing 24/16kg
Broad Jump 30m

WOD: Wednesday

A. Four cycles:
– max reps strict pull-ups
– max reps ring dips
– 20 Abmat Sit-ups
*move straight from one movement to the next.
*rest 2 min. between rounds.

B. Accumulate as much time in the L-sit as possible in 3 minutes.

C. Row 500m

WOD: Tuesday

Check out Madi’s WODStock Recap – here.

With a continuously running clock:
0.00 – 10.00
Five rounds for time of:
5 Deadlift (use about 120% of max clean)
10 Burpees (over barbell)

10.00 – 20.00
EMOM x 10:
30 Double-unders
Toes to Bar (you choose/must maintain across)

Max reps Wall Climb

WOD: Monday

*Well done to Brenden for hitting this 170kg Back Squat (77kg bodyweight).

Five rounds for load and time:
Run 400m
10 Thrusters
*You may start at any weight for the Thruster but Men must go up by not less than 5kg per round and not more than 10kg/Ladies by not less than 2.5kg per round and not more than 5kg.
*Thrusters must be unbroken.
*The best score is the person with the highest final weight in the fastest time.