The WOD's

WOD: Monday

Two cycles:
E2MOM (Every 2 minutes on the minute)
Row 250/200m
Max Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
Rest 1 minute
Bike 600/500m
Max Burpees (onto 20kg plate)
Rest 1 minute
75 Double-unders
Max Pull-ups (Advanced C2B)
Rest 1 minute

WOD: Saturday

Both 7am & 8am Sessions are running. This one requires some good logistics so please ensure you book in to allow us to best manage the class and equipment.

“Open 21.3”
For time:
15 Front Squats 42.5/30kg
30 Toes to bar
15 Thrusters 42.5/30kg
Rest 1 min
15Front Squats 42.5/30kg
30 Chest to bar Pull-ups
15 Thrusters 42.5/30kg
Rest 1 min
15 Front Squat 42.5/30kg
30 Bar Muscle-ups
15 Thrusters 42.5/30kg

Time Cap: 15 minutes

“Open 21.4”
Move immediately to complete the following complex for max load:

1 Deadlift
1 Clean
1 Hang Clean
1 Jerk
Time cap: 7 minutes.

*Complex must be touch and go.
*Any style of Clean & Jerk permitted.

Photo: Farewell Isaac.

WOD: Friday

Six rounds for time:
Run 360m
15 Burpee Pull-ups (6″ Jump)

WOD: Thursday

EMOM x 5 – 5 Cleans (Weight 1)
Rest 1 min
EMOM x 4 – 4 Cleans (Weight 2)
Rest 1 min
EMOM x 3 – 3 Cleans (Weight 3)
Rest 1 min
EMOM x 2 – 2 Cleans (Weight 4)
EMOM x 5- 1 Clean (Weight 5+)

WOD: Wednesday

A. Five rounds:
Bench Press 10-12reps
Bent Over Row 8-10 reps
*Heavy repeatable load. Hold across all sets.

B. Two cycles, each movement for time:
Row 500m/400m
Bike 1000m/900m
*Rest between efforts (approx. 1:1)
*15 minute cap
Score: Total working time.

WOD: Tuesday

A. Handstand Skills:
Holds, walks, etc.

B. AMRAP in 15 minutes:
3 Wall Walks
12 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 22.5/15kg
15 Box Jumps 24″/20″

Thank you @GrantWilliamsPhoto for this awesome photo of Fran.

WOD: Monday

A. Seven cycles:
5 Back Squats
3 Front Squats

*Work from rack. Re-rack between Back and Front Squats

B. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
50 Squats
25 Push-ups
Complete 50 Double-under every 2:30 (0-2:30-5:00-7:30)


Note: Come and join Marie for one big session at 7am.

For time:
25 Sandbag over shoulder
Run 3.2km (big weir loop)
Farmers Carry 200m
Front rack sandbag carry 200m

*Choose weights that are heavy but repeatable.

Photo: Farewell to Natalia. Wishing you and your family a wonderful new adventure as you head to South Australia. The 5:30am class won’t be the same without you!!!


EMOM x 5 – 5 Snatch (Weight 1)
EMOM x 5 – 4 Snatch (Weight 2)
EMOM x 5 – 3 Snatch (Weight 3)
EMOM x 5 – 2 Snatch (Weight 4)
EMOM x 5 – 1 Snatch (Weight 5)


Three rounds for repetitions:
1 minute: Toes to Bar
1 minute: 10m Shuttle Runs
1 minute: Rest
1 minute: Kettlebell swings 24/16kg
1 minute: Dumbbell lunge (2×22.5/15kg held by side)
1 minute: Rest