The WOD's

Monday – Open Gym 3-5pm

Please note that our normal timetable is cancelled due to the public holiday, however we are holding an open gym session between 3-5pm.  Come on down and get your sweat on!

WOD: Saturday

Beach session today.  Please meet and be ready to go at 7.00am at Pike’s Park Warana (see map below).  You will not be swimming but will be getting wet (no deeper than the waste) so wear some appropriate clothes.  There is a good chance that we’ll head out for breakfast at B-Fresh afterwards, so bring some dry clothes if  you would like to come along to breakfast.

WOD: Friday

Post Workout Nutrition – are you doing it?

For time:
Run 1200m
50 Wall Ball 10/6kg
40 Pull-ups
30 Power Cleans 60/40kg
20 Burpee Box Jump overs 24/20″
*various scalings and substitutions will be on offer for the HSPU.

WOD: Thursday

How’s your nutrition? – Nutrition Check-up

A. Every 90 seconds x 10:
3 Position Snatch (high, knees, ground).
*reset between each lift, ie. don’t link these.

B. Three rounds (not for time):
30 Abmat Sit-ups
10-15 Hip Extension

WOD: Wednesday

Best wishes to the newly married Luke and Tanya on their honeymoon.  Have fun, be safe!

EMOM x 30:
1. 15 KB Swings (heavy)
2. 10 Box Step Over 20/15kg (20″)
3. 10 x 10m Shuttle Run

WOD: Tuesday

A. Back Squat 5 x 5
*use around 80% of your 1RM
*rest 2 min.

B. Ascend as far as possible in 10 minutes:
3 T2B
30 Double-unders
6 T2B
30 Double-unders
9 T2B
30 Double-unders
12 T2B
30 Double-unders


WOD: Monday

*Please don’t forget that our 5am, 6am and circuit sessions are not running today.  All other sessions will run as per normal.

Five rounds for max reps of:
B.W. Bench Press
*If you’re scaling the bench, work with a weight that allows you to get in the 8-12 rep range in your first set.
*Pull-ups may be any style.

Sunday: Rest Day

Enjoy your day.  Rest, eat well and recover and get ready for a great week of training.

Wishing Tanya M & Gozz a wonderful wedding day filled with love, laughter and great memories.

Picture: Thanks to Di and Tanya R for making the arranging for a wedding dress rehearsal in the box- yes you did make beautiful bridesmaids.




WOD: Saturday

7.00am – Let’s have a crack at another one of the CrossFit Team Series workouts.
12-min. AMRAP, alternating each round (M)
30 double-unders
15 snatches


12-min. AMRAP, alternating each round (F)
30 double-unders
15 snatches

This is a 24-minute workout, with the men working for 12 minutes immediately followed by the women working for 12 minutes. One athlete works at a time, alternating after completing a full round and tagging their partner. The team’s score is the total reps completed by the male pair, plus the total reps completed by the female pair. When the women begin, they will start at the beginning of a round, not where the men left off.

As per last week, this workout can easily be modified to suit a pair of mixed or same gender instead of a team of 4. Grab a friend or 3 and come in for some team fun.

For time:
Row 2000 Metres
30 Burpees Over the Erg
30 Thrusters 60/40kg

When the running clock reaches 15:00, complete the following for time:

Row 1000 Metres
20 Burpees Over the Erg
20 Thrusters 60/40kg

When the running clock reaches 25:00, complete the following for time:

Row 500 Metres
10 Burpees Over the Erg
10 Thrusters 60/40kg

WOD: Friday

A. Turkish Get-up: Work up to a heavy single.

B. AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
Run 200m
Max reps Pull (muscle-up, pull-up, ring row etc.).
immediately followed by –
AMRAP in 10 minute of:
Run 200m
Max reps Push (HSPU, dip, push-up etc.)
*Choose a pull and a push that is appropriate to the your goals and the goal of the workout (ie. max reps).
*There is no rest between these two workouts, simply change over from pull to push at the 10 min. mark.