The WOD's

WOD: Monday

In pairs, for time:
50 Deadlifts (must change-over each 3 reps)
100 Push-ups (must complete 10 reps to change-over)
150 Kettlebell Swings (must complete 30 reps to change-over)
*use approx. 110-120% of max clean for Deadlift weight.
*scale up the push-ups to ring dips or HSPU if 100 (shared) push-ups does not provide sufficient challenge.
*20 min cut off.

WOD: Saturday

See you at training for an awesome WOD. 7am & 8am sessions are on as per normal.

ANZAC Day – Gym Closed

Have a great day of celebration and commemoration and please don’t forget to find a moment to think about the men and women who have been lost or injured in the service of our county.

WOD: Thursday

A. EMOM for 20 min:
1 Power Clean + 3 Front Squats + 1 Push Press
*There will be a rest minute after each 5 rounds. Start at a moderate weight and aim to increase after each five rounds.
*Use Tuesdays testing results as a guide for your load.
*You have 30 seconds to complete the complex within the minute.

B. Max rep partner Burpee/Plank – 3 min.

WOD: Wednesday

Partner Workout: (for reps and time)
In this workout one partner runs 400m while the other performs max reps of – 1. Box Jumps 24/20″ 2. C2B Pull-ups 3. Hand Release Push-ups 4. Toes to Bar 5. Double-unders.  At the completion of the 400m run both partners will rest for 1 minute before swapping tasks.

The partner with the highest total reps at the end of the five rounds wins.  The team with the highest combined total in the shortest time wins.

Please check out our tutorial videos – Box Jumps, C2B Pull-ups, Push-ups, Toes to Bar, Double-unders.

WOD: Tuesday

Welcome back – we hope you all had a great Easter long weekend.

Testing Day 2
Perform the following challenges in any order:
3RM Front Squat
1RM Power Clean
2RM Push Press
1RM Weighted Pull-up/Chin-up
*There are no time limits on any of the challenges however you should aim to complete them all in within the session. Combine the Power Clean and Push Press to save time if you wish.

WOD: Easter Monday

We hope you all had a safe and happy Easter. We will be at the gym from 3:00pm-4:00pm. Come in for Open Gym and work off some of your Easter Goodness.

WOD: Saturday

For anyone keen for a workout I will be heading to beach entrance 229 (see map) at 7:00am for a short session.

All are welcome.

Good Friday

Update: Chris & Marie are training at 3.30pm today – the workout will be a team rowing based workout. The specifics will depend on how many people turn up – all are welcome.

Please note that the gym is closed today for Good Friday. Have a great day!

Steve W
Steve K

WOD: Thursday

EMOM for 20 minutes:
1 Power Snatch
2 Snatch Balance
3 Overhead Squat
*The aim for this workout is to increment your weight four times across the 20 rounds. For rounds 1-5 use a load that you can move easily (about 50% of 1RM Snatch) and then add weight at rounds 6-10, 11-15 and 16-20. The last 5 rounds should be close to maximal with consideration given to the volume or work and movements used.

Post loads and rounds completed successfully to comments.