The WOD's

WOD: Saturday

Partner WOD
Five rounds for reps and time of:
Run short loop
Wall Climb
*One partner runs while the other performs Wall Climbs. Rotate through for five rounds. The partner with the most reps wins.
*Athletes with less than 5 rx’d push-ups will use an alternate movement to wall climbs.

Thanks to Knight Photography for the photo.

WOD: Friday

A. Pick the option that suits:
1. 30 muscle-ups for time. (tutorial video – here)
2. 30 muscle-ups for sets.
3. EMOM for 10 minute Muscle up(s) or Pull-up(s)
4. 5 x max reps pull-ups/spotted pull-ups. (tutorial video – here)
*all options have a 10 minute cut off.

B. Death by Burpees (increment a rep per minute)
*If you are good at burpees start at 5 reps.

Tips: Part A option 1 would be suitable for people who are confident in their muscle up ability and think they have a good shot at getting through 30 in 10 minutes. Option 2 is for people who have good MU mechanics and are looking to build the size of their sets. Option 3 would suit people who want to work a set volume in an interval format and option 4 is for people with limited or without pull-ups.

WOD: Thursday

A. Pendlay Row 5-5-5-5-5

B. Alternate exercises each minute for 5 rounds:
1. Weighted Step-ups 24/20″ (30 seconds)
2. T2B (30 seconds or 20 reps – whichever is first) (see tutorial – here)

Tip: Part A – After performing a couple of warm up sets of Pendlay Rows, make the call to start your first working set. The aim is to increment the weight on each set and end up with a 5 rep max. If you hit your max before the 5th set, drop back a bit and finish of the working sets.
Part B – The leg on the box for the step ups should do all the work – try to keep your torso upright and focus on driving through the heel of the leading leg.

WOD: Wednesday

It’s farewell for now from the Saliba’s – we are embarking on a 10 night bulking phase (a cruise) from today.  Look after Steve, Chantal & Renee and we look forward to coming back refreshed and about 20kg heavier.

A. Each 90 seconds for 10 rounds:
1 Round of the bear complex.
*Build to a starting weight in the warm up and then work towards a max from there in your 10 rounds.

B. AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
30 KB Swings
60 DU

Post start/finish weight and rounds/reps to comments.

WOD: Tuesday

*Please don’t forget to submit your scores for 14.5 by the 10.00am deadline.

A. AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
Run 400m
Max reps Pull (MU, Pull-up, Ring Row etc.) (instructional videos – here & here)
B. Stretch Mobility

Post movement choice and reps to comments.

WOD: Monday

A. EMOM for 7 minutes:
2 x Back Squat (working up in weight)

B. 5 rounds:
1 min Wall Ball 10/6kg (tutorial video – here)
1 min Rest
*Perform 10 strict ABMAT sit-ups during the rest.

*Thanks to Helen for the photo.

Rest Day

Reminder that there is no 2-4pm session today due to our end of Open party last night.  Thank you to all that attended.  We had an awesome night and hope you did too.

Remaining validations will be conducted on Monday or Tuesday morning.  Bring a judge in or give us a call to arrange a time.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

WOD: Saturday

Please note that we are validating workout 14.5 between 7-9am tomorrow.  Please feel free to come in for a workout if you’re not involved with the Open.

WOD: Friday

*Please don’t forget that validation for 14.5 start at 4.00pm and will go through until we’re done.  Also please don’t forget to dress up for the chance to win some great prizes and to support our Kokoda crew – it should be a good fun night.  Further validations will happen between 7-9am on Saturday however we will not be running the Sunday afternoon session this week.  If you can’t make the Friday or Saturday (for a good reason), please let us know and we’ll do our best to get you validated on Monday or Tuesday morning.

A. Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5

B. Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3

C. Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1

Tips: Work to a starting weight on the overhead squat and then use strictly five sets to build to a 5RM.  Once you have performed five sets on the OHS, move to the front squat and use strictly 5 sets to build to a 3RM repeat the process for the back squat.  You should be able to increase the weight on each of the fifteen sets.

WOD: Thursday

*Men’s training singlets are back in stock – please see Chris or Marie if you would like one.

7 x 90 second rounds:
5 Deadlift @ 1RM Clean (see video)
10 Lateral Burpees (see video)
Max reps Step-up 20″ (1 step = 1 rep)
*Rest 90 seconds between rounds.
*Perform a 30 second plank during your rest.
*Each DL must be re-gripped and dumped reps don’t count.
*Score = weight/total step-ups.